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Just trying to help - 2013-09-17
In response to Re: Ginde - Zhuzhou, Hunan Province (John O'Shei)

You're right. The reason I wanted to alert British teachers is because they are specifically looking for British teachers to recruit. Technically they are not a school, they are a Pipe company, but the owner of the company (goes by the name of Peng Zhang) is looking for British teachers to teach his sons as he wants them to attend Harrow and then to Cambridge (so he's looking for them to learn from someone with a British neutral accent). I forget the name of the agency that put them forward to me, but I don't think they really had any information on the type of people they were recruiting for. Agencies don't care; as long as they make their buck they're happy and on to the next gig.

To give everybody some more information, the owner is the equivalent of a local mob boss and prior to his arrest was previously close friends with Bo Xilai (I'm sure you know what happened to Neil Haywood). His business is built on corruption, bribery and threats. It's all dirty money. He was also heavily involved in the Chinese football bribery scandal for years prior to its exposure and there is even articles online claiming that he was responsible for the murder of a Chinese footballer. If you can read mandarin, I'm sure you come across some pretty damning information on Mr Zhang and Ginde yourself.

Shortly after handing in my notice (which I only did because I was promised a Z visa and only issued an F on arrival; by then I only had a week left on my tourist visa so it left me with no other choice but to sign) I received verbal and physical threats from an Alex Liu. He is the "international sales manager in the company" and the only person who can string a sentence together in English. The man is scum, your typical lying, cheating piece of s@#t. He hears what he wants, does Peng's bidding and as long as he gets away with it, doesn't care. He has no morals or conscience and it nothing more then a just a waste of space. In hindsight I should have just done what most people do when they leave Ginde; wait until they paid me and then left the day after, but trying to part amicably I gave them over 30 days notice, even pushing back my start date with my new employers so that I could attend an all important meeting with someone from Harrow on the 26th September. At the time of informing Alex, this was previously confirmed to be "fine". Then on the 15th September the day my salary was due, Alex called to say I wouldn't be given my last months salary (from the 15th August to 15th September) unless I worked until the 15th October, where everything would be paid in full. There was no way I was doing this as people who pull this type of crap are obviously not to be trusted. I suppose it's that fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me that was driving my thought process.

So fearing for my safety, knowing just what this family is capable of and the fact that I didn't believe any of their BS that they would pay me come 15th Oct (not that I could stay that long anyway as I had already confirmed a start date with my new employer) I have took the decision to leave. Also, just to forewarn any Chinese teachers that may be reading this, since I had been there (9 months), 2 Chinese teachers have come and gone and they are looking at replacing the third as she is not up to the families ridiculous and deluded standards that the Peng Zhangs wife imposes. The current teacher has over 20 years of education!! Bear in mind that the mother of the children comes from a poor background (both financially and from an education standpoint) and yet seems hell bent on telling experienced professionals how to do their jobs. e.g. make the 4 year old write with his right hand but draw with his left hand so he can do both at the same time (WTF)..... no flash cards, books only as that's not proper teaching (riiiiggghhhttt) learning using a computer it causes cancer and it's bad for their yes, but watching DVD's and the TV for god knows how many hours a day is fine (FFS). They pamper and raise their two princelings with a bunch of ayi's who have subsequently turned them into spoilt little shits. BTW for anyone who does take a position there, expect to see your hours increase constantly as they regularly pull them out of school for no reason (oh he's got a cold, oh its raining) and phone you at the last minute to teach extra hours (for no extra money). By last minute, I mean message you at 7.30am in the morning to teach at 9.00am the same day. They will also expect you to teach 4 hours a day for 6 days a week whenever the children are off on school holidays). My only time off was 15 days unpaid leave (NOT INCLUDING CHINESE HOLIDAYS!!) These isn't even mentioning the gang of ayi's who constantly wade in with their own advice or on the mother orders to tell you how to teach, even though they have next to zero education themselves. The whole set up is a joke. Feel this is turning into a bit of a rant now, but if I can expose them for the morons they are and how they treat teachers whilst at the same time preventing peeps from going through the same BS I went through, then it's worth it.

Messages In This Thread
Ginde - Zhuzhou, Hunan Province -- Just trying to help -- 2013-09-16
Re: Ginde - Zhuzhou, Hunan Province -- John O'Shei -- 2013-09-16
Re: Ginde - Zhuzhou, Hunan Province -- Just trying to help -- 2013-09-17
Re: Ginde - Zhuzhou, Hunan Province -- Marko -- 2013-10-23
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