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John O’Shei - 2013-09-20
In response to Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai (Jackie)

Not only do I have a few doubts about your background, it would seem unusual for an employee to so vigorously and lovingly defend his company like that. Therefore, we can guess that you are either a wumao or the boss of one of those shitty TCs. I believe it's the latter.

It appears that you are just a typical Chinese boss who follows the same old pattern of putting down their victims with various insults in order to attempt to make them lose face in the eyes of others and therefore establish your falsely perceived superiority and save your own face. Sure, there is a cultural difference there. I might respect cultural differences, but it doesn't mean that I will unduly respect you.

Guess what? ESL is not an industry that solely belongs to the Chinese and on an international board, you will have to answer to Western dominated values. China is apparently not a big fan of such values, but on this website, you are not on your own turf. Regardless of the fact that the teachers may work in China, this website is global and Chinese businesses can't escape that. Speaking Chinglish instantly destroys your credibility and leaves you at the mercy of this board, by the way.

Although you had some very valid points about the employee expecting to earn his salary for November in the same month, rather than December (depending upon your company's cut off dates), the way that you dealt with it established that you are completely lacking in class and manners. Like the average old school Chinese boss, who probably originally came from the shittiest area of the countryside, lacked a real education, profited very well from a bit of of the good old corruption, then all of a sudden believed that money could buy him class. Keep on mixing that Bordeaux with the Sprite sir, because we all know that you can take the farmer out of the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the farmer.

Messages In This Thread
New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Bsquared96 -- 2010-02-11
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Jackie -- 2013-09-20
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- John O’Shei -- 2013-09-20
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Jackie -- 2013-12-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- John O’Shei -- 2013-12-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Foreign Teacher -- 2010-05-12
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Ivory Tower -- 2010-05-12
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- My Name is -- 2010-06-16
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Laowai -- 2010-06-17
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