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juanisaac - 2013-09-24
In response to First time in China (Alex)

ESL in China is not so much a career but a dead end. If you are young enough, you can do a gap year or two before you do something more important with your life. The first year I was in China I earned 5k and it was never enough.

SB is right, find public schools as they stick more to the contract than private schools. There is a young British girl here working on an F Visa. She has a curfew, needs the school's permission to travel, and can only meet pre-approved people in town. She is treated like a 4-year old. The reason they gave her was because she is here illegally and they have to protect her from the police. Even public schools can be dodgy. Another female teacher was promised a contract extension at another public school only to be told in August that her contract was not being extended. I just met her replacements three days ago.

As to women, be careful here as well. You will never know if a women will love you, or love your money and potential green-card. Read about Wendy Murdoch and how she got to the USA. My last girlfriend made so angry that I went three years without a gf. My gf now is self-employed and saved enough money to buy a house. SB is the one to ask about dating.

I know about one public middle school in Jiangsu looking for a teacher. The salary in on the low-end, the town is small but close to Shanghai, and they tend to honor the contract well. P.M. if want the details You need to be 25, have a degree, a TEFL, and two years working experience in teaching or education.

Messages In This Thread
First time in China -- Alex -- 2013-09-23
Re: First time in China -- Dragonized -- 2013-09-26
Re: First time in China -- juanisaac -- 2013-09-24
Re: First time in China -- San Migs -- 2013-09-24
Re: First time in China -- John O’Shei -- 2013-09-25
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