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Bai Da Wei Teacher - 2013-10-22
In response to Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin (Cristal)

I currently work for this school. I can say with a 100% guarantee you will be A) Lied to, several times. B) Taken advantage of by them not following Contract Stipulations. C) You are treated like you are an idiot and that they have you by the bollocks. Over the past year I have watched Kyri destroy this school, by running off the original Headmaster David Pucket (Who was alot more fair than this POS), then bringing his cousin into the school as our new manager. She has no experience...and has no fucking clue what she's doing. It's painfully obvious. Her expertise is applying drag make up and chain smoking. She taught at few of the public schools when she first arrived and was immediately removed, they'd say because she's our manager now.. the public schools would say it was because "She was an awful teacher...TERRIBLE" Yet she now tells us how to do our jobs. She's runs our pointless meetings talking about random nonsense and usually has no direction what so ever, hell she expected us TO LEAD HER MEETING before.

On top of all of this, don't expect to actually see them (Kyri and Maria) in the office too often, when they aren't too busy having "CRAZY" days looking at facebook they are just flat not in China. Recently there was a week long National Holiday. Everyone had the week off, yet the first day back from this holiday they left the country to take yet another holiday. THIS IS COMMON!

I agree with the previous posts DO NOT WORK AT THIS SCHOOL!!! If you do you're asking for a miserable life in China. They will do everything they can to work you as much as possible and pay you as little as they can, they also claim you'll have a nice apartment setup, when really the apartments they set you up with are utter trash. The teachers live in a disgusting part of the city, our homes are barely held together anymore and most of us have to endure constant issues of Water leaks, window issues, not having the appliance they have promised, Used bedding is provided, used dishware is provided, 1982 microwaves that haven't been cleaned since the day they were bought, urine stained furniture, grime EVERYWHERE, oh and when you leave.. they expect you to pay to have it cleaned.. EVEN THOUGH IT WAS DISGUSTING WHEN YOU MOVED IN!

They also will claim you'll have EXCELLENT chinese support. What a joke, the chinese staff is running from this place too like it's the plague,the turn over rate is outstanding for Chinese and Foreign staff. I'd say 80% of people i've seen in the past years DO NOT RESIGN and may possibly "pull a runner" ...oh , and if you dont' work in the branches basically don't expect any kind of "support".

Also, is promised "weekly chinese classes" starting twice a year. These were actually beneficial, but only had 3 45 min classes.. 3 weeks. Not "weekly" as advertised.

Basically, my point is the management is a like a big pile of crap you'd see steaming on Hao Yue Da Lu. As much as you try to avoid it the smell still penetrates your nostrils leaving a bad smell(taste) in your mouth.


Also, Kyri and Maria (The foreign management *management What a joke!* are extremely fake and unwilling to help. If you dare question them expect wrath. If you dare not understand be prepared to be labeled an idiot (Maria actually try to say that we were a bunch of 5 year olds in a meeting one time and started talking to us as such). Don't expect ANY professionalism out them. Don't expect real answers to any question you have. Don't expect explanations for anything that goes on.

This was a good school... not anymore. DONT COME HERE

Messages In This Thread
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Cristal -- 2013-10-12
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Bai Da Wei Teacher -- 2013-10-22
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- jessie -- 2015-05-21
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Will and Bob -- 2014-02-12
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-15
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- BDW Teacher 2 -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Mr. Silver Spoon -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Dragonized -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Spartacus -- 2013-11-01
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- maelstrom -- 2013-11-01
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Even BETTER English! (Can you believe that?) -- 2013-11-05
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Sarah -- 2015-04-20
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