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John O'Shei - 2013-11-05

Maybe get some other deal cemented where you don't have to be like the "average" working laowai and it's all good.

The daft bellend said this too, I've so many young big-headed foreigners in China that think that they are big players simply because they do a little bit of import/export or whatever, then you find out from friends that these big-man types have been secretly begging them for part-time teaching work because they are short of cash. Having a business merely means that you have a business, it doesn't mean that you even make money from it.

The whole 'leave them alone and let karma deal with it' ethos sounds a bit wumao-ish. Sure vengeance demons can consume you and stuff, but to be honest most of us post on this site for light entertainment and because we are procrastinating, when we are intending to get something else done at the same time.

Once you have a decent uni teaching job, you've got bills paid, a good place to live rent free, enough to live quite well on providing that you don't spend money recklessly, you have lots more free time on your hands etc, why would you want a training centre job anyway?

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Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-05
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