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Dragonized - 2013-11-21

Both things point to an attitude that the same person is merely using China for his own hidden purposes and agenda and doesn't give a damn about the country and its citizens.

He is using said country to further his own gains of spreading heretical ideas under the veil of "Christianity", perhaps? This "Christian" is in serious need of an exorcism. It is not old news that many of these so called missionaries are fronts for things like child prostitution, drug running, and money laundering. Of course, willie the moron is not smart enough to run something big like this on his own. He is a lackey no matter where he goes. But he cannot get away from criminal behavior. I do think now that the reasons he knew so much about things like the salvation army and soup kitchens was that he needed to use these things a lot. Nobody wanted to employ a career criminal like him in the West. Whenever he got any money, he probably blew it on his drug or alcohol habit as well as whores around the neighborhood. Bottom line is, he will use anything that sounds "good" for his own self. Anything that is Good in a technical sense gets corrupted when there are too many people like him around carrying its banner.

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Re: Songyuan Foreign studies college -- Dragonized -- 2013-11-21
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