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John O'Shei - 2013-12-07
In response to Re: Shane English School Yuxi (Nathaniel)

Many of the teachers renew their contracts for a second, and even third year, which in itself shows that they're happy there.
Good on ya! Turnoi and his cohorts that slate all training centers in China can put this in their pipes and smoke it. The truth will out at last. Shane is a prestigous training center.


'Put it in your pipe and smoke it...' Sounds like a previous wumao type poster that we all love to ridicule. The only pipe that you ever smoke probably has crack inside or if you are one of those Chinese wumaos, the good old locally made bing du crystal meth, that you buggers just can't get enough of.

If a place like Shane is somewhere that you consider to be 'prestigious', you might want to consider sorting your life out! Even in the shitty training centre hierarchy, it doesn't have that much of a reputation amount Chinese customers or foreign teachers. If you wanted prestige from a teaching job, you would get work at a really good, branch of a world famous international school (such as Harrow in Beijing), or a job at one of the best universities in China (such as Tsinghua, Beida, Fudan etc). 'Shane' on the other hand, is a company that most people (from outside the ESL industry) inside or outside of China (on a national scale), have never heard of!

Also, people at training centres renew contracts, because they are retards with nowhere else to go, those special ('spasticated') characters that would struggle to get a job back home even when the economy there was good. I know a guy that has been at the same training centre for something like 5 years, he's actually not a good teacher at all, he's a complete dildo and the older students who pay good money out of their pockets (or their parents/husband's) to study at a training centre always complain to me about him, even after I left the job a few years ago.

The teachers that stay at training centres for a long time are either part-timers who just stick to one that is locally based or pays more, or those that are easily to manipulate or control, due to either retardation like the case that I mentioned above; or circumstances beyond their control, a lot of the better guys that I know of, who work at training centres only do so because they married their Chinese girlfriend and can't get her a visa to allow him to take her back to that guy's home country. The training centre simply provides better money than a uni job and is often solely done out of necessity, rather than free will.

You will tend to notice that those foreign D.O.S guys are useless idiots that no capability or desire to get a job elsewhere. That allows stability of some sort which gives them a false sense of authority because they have been on the ground longer than those newly arrived, fresh off the boat teacher deechers.

As I've told you, as much as you may like to slate Turnoi 'and his cohorts' for their educationally minded views that may occasionally slate training centres unconditionally out of their love for real education rather than 'edutainment', I actually do have experience of working in a training centre and even though it was even admittedly one of the less shitty centres, if you have any intention of actually performing the role of a real teacher, you will simply find it soul destroying, because it is just a business and the leaders will cut around the educational corners to achieve their business goals.

However, you will often notice that the Chinese managers out there aren't quite as their counterparts in developed markets and will only do what earns good money in the short term, rather than what is good for the long term reputation and performance of the company, which I feel is one of the main reasons that training centres have a tendency to cheat staff (both foreign and local!) and the customers/students!
Messages In This Thread
Shane English School Yuxi -- David Evans -- 2013-12-04
Re: Shane English School Yuxi -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-04
Re: Shane English School Yuxi -- Travelling Michael -- 2013-12-06
Re: Shane English School Yuxi -- Nathaniel -- 2013-12-06
Re: Shane English School Yuxi -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-07
Re: Shane English School Yuxi -- John O'Shei -- 2013-12-06
Re: Shane English School Yuxi -- ReadMeFirst -- 2013-12-05
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