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John O’Shei - 2013-12-13
In response to Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai (Jackie)

Haha, I am American. I am from Oklaohma, so I am a redneck, I guess. And no, I have no class for the majority of foreigners who come to China and want to drink alcohol, screw everything with two legs, and behave differently than they would in their home countries. And they know in their home countries, they are the lowest social losers who cannot get a girl in their home country so they come to China to try to find a girl. I am a family guy. I am a moral guy. I don't drink, and I don't smoke. I don't have time for these foreigners who think they are "teachers"... and all they do is live immoral life styles...
You diss those Chinese bosses, but they might have houses. Own a house. Compared to the average foreign teacher who doesn't have anything. And, yes, it is apparent I am a foreigner because I don't know many Chinese people who know the word, "diss." When you stay in China long enough, you can spot a true foreigner online or if the person is Chinese...

I am not lost in the mystique like most foreigners are...

You have dug your hole deeper. I am going to order another cup of this beautiful stocking-filtered milk tea (which is of zero importance, I just thought you’d find it immoral, because it tastes like fanny batter from an angel’s hairy pie) and have an absolute field day tearing you apart for your ever desperate efforts to convince a forum mainly made up of English teachers that you are a native speaker of good character.

I could very easily start by stating that people that like to prove themselves to be moral characters, usually have something to hide. So does that mean that you are a fiddy kiddler? I certainly believe that you are.

In my experience, not many Americans that travel abroad would ever self proclaim themselves to be a redneck. Even the proudest, most conservative of tea-party supporting Republicans.

‘I have no class for’... Oh, please! Don’t you mean to say: ‘I have no time for?’ - I’m not sure if you are a bush dodging cousin loving redneck or just a silly Chinese boss trying too hard.

And please tell me: What is immoral about drinking or smoking exactly? I’ve cut down on smoking, bar the odd rather hard to find good shisha in recent times as it isn’t exactly the healthiest of habits, but drinking? Your declaration of morality relating to your teetotalism makes about as much sense as if I was to declare that I am a man of morals simply because I like to drink strong beer made solely by Belgian Trappist monks (actually, I really do, but it is expensive!). Really, both can be bad for you, but bar the Islamic concept of Harem (sp?), I’d struggle to find a good moral argument against them that relates to the moral values of any religion. It matters not to me, I’m an atheist anyway.

You judge owning a house as a measure of one’s character or success? Well, aren’t you the short bus rider? Yes, I’ve borrowed that one from the Americans, because I thought that you ‘rednecks’ might be familiar with it. Even the apparatuses of the state propaganda machines, the Chinese newspapers will often refer to the fact that corrupt Chinese bosses own houses in a plural sense, even though it is well beyond their financial means as evidence of corruption, that they would appear to hope to be cracking down upon. In Germany, possibly the most developed country in Europe, almost everybody rents!

Using the slang word ‘diss’ to prove that you are a foreigner? That reminds me of when I was 14 and tried using my mate’s older brother’s expired bank card to convince a barman that I was over 18, lol. It is the equivalent of saying ‘I’m not racist, I have a black and white T.V.’ A Chinese guy most likely only needs to have very briefly studied abroad, have a passing interest in hip-hop or foreign TV shows to know the word ‘diss.’

Maybe, I should now leave you for the others to judge!

Messages In This Thread
New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Bsquared96 -- 2010-02-11
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Jackie -- 2013-09-20
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- John O’Shei -- 2013-09-20
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Jackie -- 2013-12-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- John O’Shei -- 2013-12-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Foreign Teacher -- 2010-05-12
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-13
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Ivory Tower -- 2010-05-12
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- My Name is -- 2010-06-16
Re: New Dynamic Institute NDI Shanghai -- Laowai -- 2010-06-17
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