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Fred Savage - 2007-02-06

Any thoughts that we are not in the process of laying EF English First out for ALL public view would be false and unwarranted critiques.

ALL prominent ESL sites have been and are daily informed of continued EF Indonesia employee abuses.

EF may be only a PART of a bigger issue within' the ESL industry but they are a BIG part and are the beginning example for ALL ESL schools to pay heed to.

Teachers disappearing, being abused, servitude employment, absurd contract abuses, academic incompetence, false job advertising, Etc are occuring throughout the ESL industry.

EF has chosen to make themselves the Face of ESL excellence. And they will suffer the consequences of their over zealous abuses of government systems that don't have the legal tolerance to defend their employees like the cultures EF choses to sell and employ.

ESl teachers cannot and will not gain momentum in this fight due to the fact that:

1) They are drifters. They drift from job to job. Thus, they trade one false reality for another and cannot make themselves viable witnesses to the abuses they have suffered.

2) Financially they are not willing to fight for their employment rights because it is too costly, time consuming and stressful to maintain ones presence in Southeast Asia countries and fight the forces that may be.

3)CORRUPTION!!! English Schools with large and deep pocket books are EXTREMELY familiar with "WHO they need to know" to circumvent ALL government agencies in SouthEast Asia. They use this to their advantage and against the same employees they deemed necesssary to hire by advertising jobs on ESL websites.

4) ESL Teacher forums don't take a stand against what are OBVIOUS reckless abuses against employed ESL teachers and allow their forums to lose the original content of TOPICS posted for the newest topic available. ESL Teacher forums would be better served if they listed topics accorded to verifiable content versus dated listings.

5) Career ESL teachers do not spend a lot of time on ESL teacher forums. Their contracted teaching times don't allow them to be available to forums as much as the regular day-to-day ESL teachers thus losing a lot of verifiable employment information that would be deemed valuable to a prospective "Newbie" teacher.

6) There is no International standard for ESL schools to operate by thus there is no way to defend an ESL teachers position without causing that teacher immense stress and pain as well as emboldening the school that initially caused these employment issues in the first place.

EF Indonesia is in a odd position, though they currently may not recognize it. They have become the cherry on-top-of-a cherry on-top-of-a cake. ESL teachers are fed up with being fed up. And EF Indonesia has created situations through their franchise system that warrant them to become the international example for ALL ESL schools, whether they like it or not.

They have been violating every employment law that exists for over 8 years. Need we say more?

We can choose to have a "minor" discussion on this site and see this issue disappear like a puff of smoke.

Or we can start the example of strong and unbreakable ESL teacher unity now.

This is up to all of you ESL teachers.

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