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Lou - 2014-03-31

Cheers but English First Hohhot f***ing sucks and by the way all the managers are arrogant c***s.

If you are thinking of working for EF English First Hohhot my advice to you is DON’T!!!!

This school is a horrible place run by incompetent people (and yes I know some people will say all EF’s are like this and maybe that is true but EF Hohhot is a particularly awful branch of EF English First). You will get paid less than you would if you worked anywhere else, get less time off than you would if you worked anywhere else and work significantly more hours than you would if you worked anywhere else. You are unlikely to be brought to China on a proper Z-visa and will instead be brought over on a L or F visa (you will be working illegally) and then flown to Hong Kong at a later date to get your Z-visa, the school will pay for you flights but you will have to flip the bill for all of your other expenses, which in Hong Kong trust me are EXPENSIVE. Should you have any serious issues with your apartment, health or anything else you are unlikely to find any willing helpers at EF Hohhot and will instead have to figure out how to do it on your own, there are some decent teachers there who will be willing to help you out, but for the most part you will have to get used to everyone being out for themselves. The working environment at EF Hohhot is pretty much like high school there are cliques, rivalries and gossip as well as the fact that there will always be someone ready to throw you under the bus to further their own careers (if you can actually call working at EF a career).

To top it off the soon to be DOS of the school is more like a high school bully than a professional manager, he constantly targets people he doesn’t like for personal reasons and then goes out of his way to make them miserable in the workplace. The Center manager is the most useless woman in the world she was actually removed from another EF school due to incompetence but then somehow ended up with the CM position at EF Hohhot!?! The owner of the school is a typically money hungry Chinese business owner with questionable business ethics, you are your well being will be right at the bottom of her list of concerns.

And now honestly just cause I need to get it off my chest a note to every single person at EF Hohhot that stabbed me in the back, treated me like a doormat or f***ed me off in anyway shape or form.

Dear Morons,
I have done what you could not. Not saying I’m better than you but obviously I am cause I have quit. I was the one who put in all the complaints about a certain senior teacher being a c**t. I am the one who you treated like shit even though I was always nice to you even when I thought your problems were a load of shit. I dislike most of you and those of you I do like I don’t like enough to ever want to see you again. You may consider us friends but your surname in my phone will always be saved as the name of this school.

Thanks for you hospitality.
Disrespectfully yours.
P.S Get f****d everyone.

Messages In This Thread
EF English First Hohhot -- Lou -- 2014-03-31
Re EF English First Hohhot -- Buddy the Elf -- 2014-04-05
Re EF English First Hohhot -- Job -- 2015-11-24
Re EF English First Hohhot -- Pete Burn's jockstrap -- 2014-04-05
Re EF English First Hohhot -- Lou -- 2014-04-07
Re EF English First Hohhot -- Nelson -- 2014-04-03
Re EF English First Hohhot -- Laowai 22 -- 2016-02-15
Re: EF English First Hohhot -- Ever -- 2014-03-31
Re: EF English First Hohhot -- Phox53 -- 2014-03-31
Re: EF English First Hohhot -- Ever -- 2014-04-01
Re: EF English First Hohhot -- Job -- 2015-07-09
Re: EF English First Hohhot -- TC Hater -- 2014-03-31
Re: EF English First Hohhot -- Laughing -- 2015-11-24
Re: EF English First Hohhot -- Emily -- 2014-03-31
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