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Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-04-11

In response to Re Yuming Education Centre (Lucky Strike Larry)

You aren't free from ranting either and you are not well-balanced. You are fighting your personal vendetta on Still worse, many of the details you are stating in your posts on there are simply false and you have nothing to support them or back it up.

On the other hand, it is no secret that posters like Silverboy and myself post regular "rants" on rubbish and crap pretend ESL "schools" in China for good reasons. These are places we have nothing to do with, we only know some of the owners by name, and we don't follow any motives of personal interests in the matter. For example, we have stated repeatedly that ALL training centres in China are crap and should be closed down.

If we say ALL we do mean ALL training centres because the setting in which and the system under which they are run do not serve any useful educational purpose. So, this can hardly come from a potential competitor who is trying to badmouth other competitors on the market. Folks like us simply have a love for education at heart and want to see providers follow professional and ethical standards for the benefit of their students and teachers, which ALL training centres in China NEVER DO for system-related reasons - and there is no exception.

And most certainly unlike you, we are professionals and know why we say the things we say.

[If you want to question my own professional background, then I tell you again that I have been running a relatively successful and recognised college for almost 10 years now on a non-profit basis in the several developing parts of the world, including 3 branches places in Africa and, 1 in Haiti and another in Asia. Graduates from our school have found jobs as teachers, social workers, university/college lecturers, and pastors/priests. The curricula we have have been described to be of high academic standard, and in the peer community we have a pretty good reputation; the Yale University Library has purchased several copies of our research publications for their Department of African Studies (also called Africanistics), for example. I am not tooting any a horn for our school here and will therefore refrain from providing links to back up what I have said in public. But anyone who wants some verification is free to email me to ask for references to verify what I have said. I as a co-founder of the school have never made any money with it; instead, I had to invest some of my private financial resources on a regular basis to keep it going.]

Now, everyone reading this can make up his own mind to decide who has less selfish reasons to rant and therefore is more credible or not.

And whatever you say on regarding myself, the qualifications I have and the school I run, is meaningless, and I could no care less. It does not affect me personally, nor the work I am doing nor the school I run. We are known where we need to be known to safeguard the god fruits of our hard and honest labour over the years.

you can blow your own (tooting horn-you are funny ,thats fir traffic jam) as mush as you like, but you are pointing it in wrong direction and you have lost me again. as for the sensible bit about your academic achienments- well done but whats that got to do with oral english, reading and writing for the chinese. sorry got one arm out of action- you would never believe why.

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Re Yuming Education Centre -- Lucky Strike Larry -- 2014-04-11
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