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Rieke - 2014-06-11

Good day, everyone!

I am a 25-years old student from Germany. Two years ago my boyfriend got a great job in Shanghai, so I chose to spend at least one year there with him together. After my au-pair experiences in Australia my English was good enough for a teaching job in China. I had several job-interviews and every school tried to hire me. In the end (after I had worked for another private tutoring school for one month) I chose to work for Dadi. They just made the best offer. The salary for a full-time job was pretty decent, a bit more than most of the other schools offered me, but not the best offer and if you work there part-time it is exactly the same that everyone will offer you. The big advantages for me were that they could offer me a great work schedule. I only wanted to work, when my boyfriend had to work too. Plus I could always ask for unpaid leave for holidays. So I traveled a lot in Asia during my time there. Other schools can't provide that for you. You will have your fixed schedule with loads of office hours. At Dadi you don't have any office hours. I could always spend my lunch break at home and had enough time for my distance learning program to get my Master degree. You only have to work there between 18-25 hours a week and you get the full salary for that, which is really great.

They always paid me on time and I also got a bonus on Christmas. So the salary was really good!

They have provided me great schools, I have worked in 5 different ones a week, but I mostly had the same schools during the whole time, so that I always had the same lovely students and teachers around me.

The only problem was to get the Visa. They are a certified company and can provide a Z-Visa for you. But as English is not my mother tongue and I didn't fulfill the requirements for the Visa compeletly, it was hard to get it. In the end they found a way (I think you can always find a way for every problem in China), but it really took a long time. I think the progress could have been faster, but I am not sure about that. Maybe the government is really that slow in China and it is just a big big difference to Germany there.

To conclude: Lilly and Penny are great (they are responsible for the English teachers) and Lilly always found a way to give me a great work schedule. The salary was more than a lot of schools are willing to pay, especially if you are not that experienced and if English is not your mother tongue. I got a working Visa, which only certified companies can provide for you and they were always flexible when I wanted to have a free week to travel or visit my parents in Germany. I only struggled with the Visa problem but as I said, that wasn't only because of them and their HR but also because I did not have two years of working experience and English is not my mother tongue.

I think Dadi was a great choice for me and if you are a good teacher and lovely to the kids you won't have any problems with them. They are honest and will always pay you your salary.

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