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EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-12

1) I shouldn't have had to lay my various qualifications on the table. You haven't asked anyone else to, despite the fact they have voiced far more opposite views to your own than I have regarding minimum qualifications for ESL teaching. In fact, if you distill the core of the posts, you and I agree on everything but your blanket negativity about all private schools. Regarding your judgement of me as a 'corporate defender', I will defend anywhere, corporate or otherwise, that I have personal experience of that I believe warrants defending. EFDL under the leadership of one DoS was a place worth defending and I did. I returned here to update that defense and say that it was no longer a good place. I've also always maintained that my first and main priority are the students that I teach, wherever they may be. Having the best interests of the students over anything else is not a quality I would expect to see in a corporate monkey... So again your assessment of me as such came purely from your own inability to judge each place as an individual rather than a collective.

2) My identity was only questioned because I disagreed with you. Had I come here and stamped my feet about what a dreadful school I worked for, my gender/identity/intellect would never have been questioned. As for my choice of poster handle, you have never questioned SB in his use of boy in his name despite being older than me. To question my use of girl then is showing a certain amount of sexism and hypocrisy.

3) Because insulting somebody repeatedly for no reason other than they disagree with you is a sure fire way to bring out the comedian in a person!

4) There should never have been a quarrel. And there wouldn't have been had you put your bias aside and actually looked at the core content of my posts, which on the whole share the same concerns as yourself.

You can call me Beth, Londongirl, LG... You say that as an unknown I was not deserving of your decency... That is a dreadful thing to say. Anybody is deserving of decency until they prove otherwise. You have been inappropriate, you have been childish and you have been belittling... But please do not think this has made me feel anything other than exasperation that anyone can be so pig-headed. That said, thank you for your apology, perhaps we are finally making progress.

I think agreeing to disagree is the only solution. We are doing nothing but going in pointless circles that are really not worth my time or bandwidth.

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Re LG - a dissection -- EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. -- 2014-09-12
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