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blinker - 2014-10-04
In response to AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot (laroca)

100% agree. I too have gotten screwed over by this school. I've heard and witnessed all sorts of horror stories here.

- They don't pay airfare that's promised in contracts if they don't like you (if you don't bend over and do every stupid things they ask you to do)
- Salary is always late/random amounts deducted
- Can't process visas, so they hire teachers on tourist or business visa then send them to hongkong or home to fix the problem (using their own moneys). And also they make you pay for insurance and other fees because they messed up the visa process
- Telling teachers they have a teaching job and then telling them to be nannies (watching kids at night in dorm rooms)
- Forging contract

And the "teaching" is just reading stupid sentences all class. And the school is like a prison with barbed wire fence around it (seriously).

Already the PSB has been brought here by two teachers, and right now it seems they can't even process Z visa because of the issue, so if they tell you you can get a Z visa, IT'S A LIE!

And also, as stated below, the headmaster is a dirty corrupt old man, and Vanessa is the "leader" of foreign teachers but won't even help you solve problems, just take the school side (suck up to them)

Hopefully this saves other foreign teachers from even applying here. Hope this "school" (prison) gets shut down for good someday.

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