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Johannes - 2014-11-07
In response to AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot (laroca)

Don't even think about working there! Alcatras must be heaven compair with Naheya. Vanessa the worst woman in the world, only Nazi's worked like that. She knows nothing about teaching. Faked her certificates and is a 'psycho' who knows only two things 'eat or being eaten.' And will put you under pressure from the first moment you are in. She was kicked out by her family from America
Not only Vanessa is a bad women, there is an African 'Paul' who also plays the game of cheating foreigners, hiding behind her.
Poor kids an poor foreigners who work there.
I did not believe my eyes and ears. Is such a 'school' really possible? I left at the same moment together with an American psycologist and a Uzbekistan teacher, after 2 month's unbearable. You will a a mental brain damage if you work there. Unbelievable these people are allowed to continue there practise. The lowes of the lowest!
Finally they are not allowed to take new foreign teachers by the education office Hohhot anymore.

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