Dont waste your time thinking about these blubber mouths , all they can only is to complain and they put very little effort into their work if at all they work.They are in China because back home they cant do anything and they are failures . Aston Hanzhong is really good i taught in that school and i know Erin very well shz not that kind of a person.She trats u fairly ,those guys complaining are there because they want to be treated like kings because they are foreigners .What do you want Erin to do if you come to work late, drunk , smelly because you dont like showering , you dont love yourself and above all so thick , dull and you think because you have a different skin colour you have to be respected .Go back home and do that bulldust to your mother, she can listen to you blubber.
To make matters worse you want to be called a TEACHER , are you one ? Do you have a teaching qualification ? You people you make me puke !!! Back home you are a gubbage collector like someone said you borrow money to get to China then you change your status ... you are now a teacher.Bulldust ,shut the up to the f**k. If you dont like Aston leaveAston in peace not in pieces. Go collect gubbage .
- Re: Hanzhong Aston English School -- Claire Hudson -- 2013-01-15
- Re: Hanzhong Aston English School -- Sabhuku -- 2015-05-08