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exFT - 2014-12-09
In response to Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot (Johannes)

Johannes, maybe it's much better if you will make another thread for this.. I've been posting here and they were deleted for no such reason from the admin maybe.

Your thread will be very much helpful for the future teachers to avoid this "One-of -a-Hell-School NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL". This school is the worst school I have ever encountered in my whole experience here in China. If only somebody from the past posted all the hell they have encountered from this school.. (sigh) Now they already wasted a lot of my time, money and effort.

I strongly do not recommend working here. Everything is a battle. Many issues with visa, housing & remuneration. I would like to remind those considering teaching at this school, this is a really bad idea.

My apartment had no heat. No air-con thingie with heat at all. None. I complained about this several times, a guy came over and tried to fix it but to no avail and then nobody cared after that. Hohhot gets down to -16 C some nights and is frequently around 0 or -C for many weeks at a times. I was FREEZING. I have never been so cold to the bone in my life.

Messages In This Thread
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- Johannes -- 2014-12-09
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- Johannes -- 2014-12-12
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- exFT -- 2014-12-09
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-09
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