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Beth - 2014-12-12
In response to Re EF Dalian (Gozilla)

Yes, I worked for EFDL. Under good management it was a good place that set the students education as a priority, hired good, qualified teachers and treated them well. New students were correctly level tested and placed in to the correct classes for their ability. It was well organised and a nice environment to work in. After that management left, to be replaced by someone more interested in making a quick buck than the long term educational progression of the existing students, who hired under qualified tourist-teachers who didn't have a clue (or cared to learn) what they were doing, it became a dreadful place to work. And so I finished teaching the courses I was already teaching and terminated my contract. During this period I had regular, loud and heated exchanges with the new management over their shoddy practices.

The point being that for several years under good management who cared about the students, EFDL was a good school. After the change in management it was not. It varies from school to school, manager to manager and as such each centre should be judged on its own merits, not the actions of differently owned centre within the same franchise.

I am a fully qualified, experienced English teacher. How exactly does the fact I worked at a good EF and left when it became a bad EF "say it all" about me? If you are a new poster it would be very arrogant to assume you know everything about somebody from just the fact they spent a year working in one particular place... Unless, as I suspect, that comment comes from more a more personal, more biased, viewpoint... Turnoi, if you're going to make a big fuss about leaving, returning a few days later under different names really does undermine your 'grand' exit!

Messages In This Thread
EF Dalian -- EnglishmanAbroad -- 2014-03-31
Re EF Dalian -- AnotherEXEFDLteacher -- 2014-12-07
Re EF Dalian -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-07
Re EF Dalian -- training centres are rubbish! -- 2014-12-08
Re EF Dalian -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-08
Re EF Dalian -- Beth -- 2014-12-08
Re EF Dalian -- training centres are rubbish! -- 2014-12-09
Re EF Dalian -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-09
Re EF Dalian -- Flowerpower -- 2014-12-10
Re EF Dalian -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-10
Re EF Dalian -- Beth -- 2014-12-10
Re EF Dalian -- Gozilla -- 2014-12-12
Re EF Dalian -- Robert -- 2014-12-12
Re EF Dalian -- Beth -- 2014-12-12
Re EF Dalian -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-12
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