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Yo - 2015-01-20

Shane is becoming a total shit hole. I've been in china for some time now and Shane is by far the worst company I have ever worked for. First, they can't even provide all their teachers with the proper working visa even though they promised to do so. The contract states 16 teaching hours. However, most teachers don't have 16 teaching hours because Shane don't have that many classes. Instead they will give you office hours to make up for the teaching hours eg. if you teach 10 hours, they will give you 6 office hours. The office hours includes writing chants, dialogues, sorting out flashcards etc. This is such a waste of time as most teachers don't even use the chants. In reality, they just want you to come to school and sit down. They would also cancel your classes without telling you until the last minute. There is no communication in this workplace. Your schedule is never the same. It changes every week and you may not get 2 consecutive days off, which makes it hard to travel or book tickets. They are constantly finding ways to deduct your salary. The deductions are unreasonable too. If you miss a class, you'll probable face a deduction of 400 rmb. There is no sick pay and you'll get deducted for being sick. They kind of trick you with their holiday pay as stated in the contract. It says 22 paid holiday including public holidays. When I signed the contract, the manager said 11 of those would be public and the rest for personal. This is not the case. Now they are trying to give you more public holidays maybe around 18 days, it will mean you will only get 4 personal days. If you decide to take more than that, they will deduct your salary again. In the latest drama at Shane, they hired a new teacher. However, Shane has more than enough teachers at the moment. The chinese manager decided to fire her after 2 days of her arrival in China though she has a new job now.

Conclusion: Do not work for Shane whatever you do. None of the teachers are happy here!

Messages In This Thread
Re Shane English School Dalian -- Yo -- 2015-01-20
Re Shane English School Dalian -- Buster -- 2015-02-07
Re Shane English School Dalian -- Blarney -- 2015-01-28
Re Shane English School Dalian -- John O' Shei -- 2015-01-21
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