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The CFT Watchers - 2015-04-30

Golden Staffing officially/unofficially run by Gabriel Adkins depending on what day of the week it is. Claims to live in Zhengzhou, China. However, teachers have received emails from "offices" in Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, and others. Header analysis of email indicates origination from Mountainview, CA. Under web search this location notorious as a hot spot for scams. Does not handle placement personally but supposedly "screens" teachers and schools. Will refer teachers to other agencies or schools supposedly for positions. Offers from schools are notoriously low-ball type offers in the 6000-7000 RMB range. Behavior toward prospective teachers ranging from smirkingly and smugly friendly to rude and snarky. Is not interested in nor will offer to help a teacher who has an issue with a past agency or is in danger from a previous employer. Taking referral monies from schools or agencies with only himself considered and not the safety or well-being of teachers in mind. Beware and avoid this company at all costs.

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