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Rafael - 2015-05-21

email to FTs from 'Headmaster' received 05-18-2015.
Bloody crazy.

Hello Everyone,

This is not an easy email for me to write but one that I think is necessary at this time. Please understand that this is a personal embarrassing situation for me and one that I wish would just go away forever.

In November of 2012, a mutual friend introduced me to a local guy and we became pretty good friends. For the first few weeks, everything was going well but when this guy discovered who I was and had a school here, he began to find a way to exploit the situation. There were some compromising photos taken after which the guy started asking for hush money. I immediately ended the relationship, ignored him and got Lil Bro involved but then he started showing up at the schools demanding to see me and shouting out accusations in the parents' waiting area.

Yun **** and I have some friends pretty high up in the Public Security Bureau who advised me to just leave town for a while. There are no restraining orders or other types of police protection for foreigners. We were fairly sure this guy would not let it go. That was the main reason I went to Atlanta in May of 2013. We have not heard anything from him until this past weekend.

While I was away on my recent vacation, a Facebook friend who lives in Hangzhou suddenly popped up asking me questions about this guy. Since I was in Madrid at the time, I could honestly say I was out of the country. The guy in Hangzhou was also being blackmailed and I told him that we did not pay the guy any money. My Hangzhuo friend also refused to pay which pissed off the guy. He returned to Changchun and has been showing up in LY everyday since Sunday.

I don't want to put any one especially my students and staff in a nasty situation so I have contacted the Public Security Bureau again and this time they have suggested that I stay low and not be seen on the streets in Changchun for at least the next two weeks. They are hoping that he will show up and challenge Lil Bro who then can press charges.

I know this sounds surreal but trust me, this guy is crazy and just won't let it go. So in addition to dealing with the "la duzi" this weekend, I've had to deal with this too.

It is important that if you are asked (especially from someone near LY school) if I am in Changchun that you either not answer or say that I am still out of the country. Please do not say I'm on holiday or vacation. The Chinese staff does not know the circumstances but have also been instructed to answer that I am out of the country.

So there you have it. I will be away until the first week of June hoping and praying that this will all go away when I return. T**a, Ma*** or L**** will be contacting you about any schedule changes as a result especially since Ca****n is gone and a few others will be taking leaves for the next couple of weeks. Thursday night barbecue is cancelled.

Thanks for understanding and for your professional dealing with this situation.


Messages In This Thread
Re Baidawei Changchun and David P -- Rafael -- 2015-05-21
Re Baidawei Changchun and David P -- John O'Shei -- 2015-05-21
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