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Fsih - 2007-04-14

What's reallky ironical is what how someonebody named Tunoi postered on the maRch 12 of that he/she wants a job from a recruiteor for 4000 euros, and then on March 30 another posterer named Turnoi thinks it's ironical that another posterer talks of being paid in the euor moneys in China. so what gives up with that?

And where is the Peking? Is that one a good place to work? And who is the Dr. Yakup? Is he a medicne doctor or one of them needle doctors? and can he give me pills for my headaches and confusions? i am get the confused when I read the eSl taechersr form borde, especially when they write a heading for a post and not write a post to go with it. But maybe it's not necessary to write the post, because the poster already knows what they will themself will write, so why write it? But if that were so, then why write the heading for the post at all, because the poster would already know what would be written in the heading if they already know what would be written in the post; unless there would be some confusion as to the identity of the poster, if the poster is actually the poster that wants to do the posting, or not the poster that doesn't want to do the posting unless there is a previous posting to go with the posting that they want to post a reply to. That being said, or written as it were, and I use 'as it were' as a figure of speech, not as an attempt to use a grammatically correct term to describe, or give credence to, another portion of sentence, but to use a grammatically legitimate piece of speech--and of course it really isn't speech at all, as we [you really, because I am the one doing the writing] are reading this as a post and not hearing it in a spoken or conversational venue--should we remember to read and peruse each individual post separately from each other post, or take them all in context with all other posts in that particular thread? If we were to take all posts in a thread together as a continuous message, a story with a beginning, a plot, and a seeming eventual end, would we be able to collect said message from that particular thread, if there was even a message to be got? Or would we only be able to take a message from threads that were well written collectively, with each poster having supplied or donated a quality and thoughtful post to that thread, and with no abstinence on any posters part from quality posting? Or can we actually get something of decency and quality from a thread if the majority of the posts are intelligent and relevent to the point of the original post? Or can we only hope for threads that are in the least skewed to the end of intelligence? Because it seems that threads that are intelligent, thoughtful and following the point of the original post are actually the outliers in the set of threads I have read recently, and the thoughtful, non-repetitive posts and responses in threads are actually the outliers in those particular threads, assuming that one thread can be considered a population set.

But yes, teacher, it does seem ironical that the posters that have the negative and smart alecky things to say about native English speakers recently here in ESL teacherland are often the same ones that have some of the weirdest and most incomprehensible posts! Wouldn't you agree, teacher?

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Right ! Irony , my friend , yes !A few know that ... - ESL school review -- teacher -- 2007-04-14
Re: Right ! Irony , my friend , yes !A few know that ... - ESL school review -- Fsih -- 2007-04-14
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