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KJ - 2007-04-22

But then there are many who do enjoy the experience and have been doing so for a long time. In fact, though the number of the disillusioned is high, the truth is that they are the minority. Those who do the proper research and have the credentials and experience to make it a worthwhile experience find that they've made a wise choice by coming here. Those that come here with a pollyanna attitude and naive expectations often meet with hardships. Beyond that, I find it difficult to understand why anyone would come here without knowing what they're getting into. Granted, there are some real con artists in this business. But seriously, what's the value of running off to a foreign country to work for a private business of any kind without knowing anything about said business? I think I would call that a misplaced faith in humanity.

If you want to teach in China, sample the waters carefully. One way of doing so, is by working in the public sector first. Still, know the school you'll be working for. Know the people you'll be working with and for. Know the city you'll be teaching in and where you'll be living. Be adult - do the research. Talk to prior teachers who've taught where you want to teach. Yeah, request their contact information. If you don't get it, move on. Make informed decisions. This is the real world.

Finally, I've got to admit that even if you do all the above, you may still end up cheated. But that's life. Get over it. China doesn't have a monopoly on cheating. If you made it through life unscathed at home, then you're one of the lucky ones. Move on and don't make the same mistake twice. Learn from your experience. Yep, this is the real world.

Messages In This Thread
Re: WARNING: Golden Bridge: Dongyang Shandong Prov. - ESL school review -- Alina -- 2007-04-22
Re: WARNING: Golden Bridge: Dongyang Shandong Prov. - ESL school review -- KJ -- 2007-04-22
Re: WARNING: Golden Bridge: Dongyang Shandong Prov. - ESL school review -- Larrrie White -- 2007-04-23
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