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Teacher A - 2007-04-22

The absolute worst school i could imagine. I worked here for 1 year. Here's my experience, and some of the experiences of other teachers who worked here:

-I first signed a 6 month, full time contract with the school because i was not 100% sure if i wanted to stay a full year in Zhuhai. I decided to stay in Zhuhai, and extended my contract because i was promised that i could recieve the 1 year flight allowance since i would have completed 1 year full time with Santana. After about 11 months, i asked about it and was told i would never get this money because i never signed a 1 year contract. A perfect example of the school lying to you, to keep you working. I lost 6000rmb here.
-Actually at the same time as the above example, my friend was very ill overseas and he was in hospital. Basically, i had to leave China to be with him because it was a very bad condition and it was unlikely that he would survive. Since there was a short time left on the contract. I was going to continue working untill the end. But after i heard that i wasn't going to get the flight allowance, i decided it would be better to just go then, since Santana had already broken the contract, and my friends life was on the line and it was a risk to stay. I could have waited until payday, collected my pay and left. Except, i feel obligated to tell them so that students will not be waiting for me and find no teacher. So i told Santana that i will leave THREE DAYS before payday. Worst mistake i had ever made. They never payed me anything. That's 6000rmb pay that i lost. Also, from the beggining you work at Santana, they keep half a month (3000rmb) of your pay that will be payed at the end of the contract. They never payed that too. So in total, i lost 9000rmb here. But in fairness, that extra 3000 was incase the teacher decided to leave after payday without a warning. Which i DIDN'T do, but i didn't really expect that pay anyway. So i will just say i lost 6000rmb here. So far totalling 12000rmb lost.
-Called up and asked if i wanted to do overtime on the weekend for 100rmb an hour. So i said ok. Worked 2 hours. Payday came and they never even mentioned this so i talked to them about it. They said they forgot and they will pay it next month because it requires the approval of the boss. Which is reasonably. Next month came, they never payed it...
-Called up at 7:00 in the morning on your day off, and told you have to get ready and get outside your house to be picked up in 20 minutes. (No joke). Also, NOT PAYED for this.
-Being told you will get payed 200rmb for a class and getting 100rmb then calling up and being told that you were never told you would get 200rmb for it.
-CONSTANT LIES! It was rare i would have a problem with a school (Santana will send you to other schools), but sometimes i would and i would talk to someone at Santana about it and they would say they will talk to the school for me. They never get back to me on this. So i would come and talk to them a week later, and they will make an obvious lie.
-Sometimes late payement. But atleast they paid, without the exceptions above.
-Another teacher who worked here was given a contract here, exactly the same as everyone else except with no accomadation pay. (That's 1000rmb less than all the other teachers, per month.). He was pissed off when he found out ofcourse. Also, very good at english and very young. A very good teacher, but just new to China and so was tricked by the school into signing a bad contract.
-No sick leave. One entire year of constantly changing weather is a long time for you not to become sick. You are charged for every class you miss, 100 rmb. And they give you ALOT of classes. I had 6 classes on 1 day. That's a loss of 600rmb if you miss that day. When i left the job, there was a teacher doing ~28 hours a week. No joke.
-VISA EXPIRED DURING WORK PERIOD! I can't possibly think of any valid reason for this. Shortly before the contract with Santana finished, my work visa finished. Santana made the visa expire before the work period, and one possible explanation i have heard for this happening is to put alot of pressure on the teacher since they will become illegal in China, and require the schools help to get a new visa, requiring them to sign another contract with the school. This got me into alot of trouble. I had a fine that maxed out at 8000rmb but they were kind enough to lower to 1000rmb because they believed i didn't do it on purpose (which ofcourse i didn't). Since i got pissed off at the school, and they could see i was angry as hell, they agreed to pay it. I had extended my contract at this point ofcourse. If i had not, i doubt they would have cared less about what happened to me. Even though i didn't have to pay anything in the end, i was warned that if my visa expired in China ever again, i would be in ALOT of shit! THANKS SANTANA!
-When i first joined Santana, they provided me with accomodation. The worst possible. After moving in, i found it was infested with cockroaches. REALLY infested. I actually ended up mopping the floors, cleaning cupboards, the kitchen, EVERYTHING, but to no avail. They were everywhere. It was really awful. But that's not the worst part. There were 2 other foreign teachers in the building with me, 1 currently working at Santana with me, and another who had in the past been working with Santana and they provided him with the accomodation which he decided to keep. Both of them had had thieves break into there apartment and steal there computers, digital cameras and anything else of value. The similar thing was that they found the doors to the apartment unlocked. In both cases. It would be safe to assume that the landlord was using the spare keys to just walk and take everything. I wonder why my boss would send me to this place, when this had happened to 2 previous teachers. I spoke to the head teacher at the time, who had alot of knowledge of the company and Zhuhai, and he told me that there are rumours going around that he boss is getting payed off by the landlord in this building to send foreigners there, due to the fact that foreigners have alot more money than the majority of Chinese people, so they would be perfect targets. So ofcourse i wanted to leave this building, but the only way i could was to tell my boss so he could speak to the landlord so i could cancel the contract with the apartment. 2 days after i told my boss this, i came home to find my doors unlocked and shit gone. I can't even begin to add up how much money i lost on this occasion...

Some minor problems that pissed off me and the other foreign teachers, but weren't really major:

-Through spring festival, the majority of English training centers in Zhuhai (Infact all the English training centers i spoke to) got a 1 month vacation. At Santana English School, we were given 11 days vacation.
-Over spring festival, some of the other English training centers were given double pay, which is apparently something common in China for many businesses. Santana never did this of course.
-No lucky money. This was a shock. Every English teacher i spoke to at other training centers were given lucky money from there boss. It's tradition. We were not. I remember one of the other teachers asked as a joke, when he saw all the chinese staff getting lucky money, and he was told that foreigners don't get lucky money. Bullshit of course.
-All of the chinese staff here are rude. Really rude. The staff at the front desk, if they are actually at the front desk, would usually be sleeping or playing games on the computer. Interupting them to get something, for example, a VISA, would never get a very polite response. Infact when i woke someone up, that was not a nice response i got. You can understand why someone wouldn't be very happy if you woke them up, but when they are sleeping when they are working, and you need to get something important done, you don't really have a choice...
-Even if you apply for a job here and are told to get one, i've witnessed teachers coming to Zhuhai just for the job and then told that they can't have the job anymore. In some cases, after they signed a contract, it was withdrawn somehow. I don't fully understand it... All i know is i met many teachers who came here for Santana, and left pissed off.

If you REALLY want a job in Zhuhai, avoid Santana and go for TPR, GLV, Fountain, English First, ANYTHING. There are plenty. For the record, TPR pays better than Santana. I'm unsure of GLV and Fountain. There are many others...

Any questions or anything, email me. For the record, i was warned not to post anything on the internet about this school because apparently they have connections that can make my life hell if i get on there bad side, but i just hate the school so so much. They stole my money! And i'm not in China anymore. So i don't really care... This is a bad bad school to get involved with!

Any questions? Post a reply and i'll get back to you.

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