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Mosh - 2015-12-04
In response to Re PKU College Kindergarten (Andy)

Each to their own, I guess. Some people will love it here, maybe others will not.

I work in the Weihai branch, and started working here because I love this city. I have honestly had my fair share of problems with this school (my branch) but one call to Beijing and they straighten things out(mostly). I'm pretty positive my co-teachers dislike me, but its because I don't take shit from them anymore. If I'm unhappy they'll know about it.

So who is wrong? I think I'm right and they probably also think they're right. Just because I don't get along with my co-workers(the ones I work with from 8-12), doesn't make this a bad school.

I will say that you really SHOULDN'T work for this school if you want the typical 'easy' ESL teaching job, it's really tiring here.

You SHOULD work here if you want to feel like a real teacher and want your students to truly respect and love you.

I've had other ESL jobs before this one, and all I felt like was form of entertainment. Students didn't really respect me, but here they do.

The joy these students bring me everyday will always outweigh the negatives of this school.

you just have to ask yourself what you came here for.

Messages In This Thread
PKU College Kindergarten -- A.A -- 2015-11-02
Re PKU College Kindergarten -- Thomas -- 2015-11-04
Re PKU College Kindergarten -- Andy -- 2015-11-20
Re PKU College Kindergarten -- Mosh -- 2015-12-04
Re PKU College Kindergarten -- Anna -- 2015-11-12
Re PKU College Kindergarten -- Current teacher -- 2015-11-06
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