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screwsloose - 2016-01-30

hi, yeah i think i know who you probably are from your initials.

in terms of management, it started out with 3 managers, including the main boss. the other two were ok, infact one was very very nice and she was always the one to try and help me with things, but they both left around march/april 2015. in the run up to that more and more managers were going in and i think they now have something like 6, who all take care of different things. also, i would have been the foreign manager, so i would have done what i could have to help you in such cases.

one of my roles was to recruit, and like i said i thought maybe having another foreign teacher was gonna help change things. there's a reason i didnt go ahead with most applications also, i wasnt sure myself, and didnt want to get people in to a rut.

there were small problems with that sort of stuff as i said, and that would have been close to the end of year 2014 when you applied and i was still on my first 2 year contract, so most of the stuff didnt happen as of then.

but yeah, i am also to blame for playing part in not telling people what things were really really like, i had the contracts made for any new foreign staff so that they would get bonuses, atleast as i was told, but i doubt it would have ever happened. and also, i never expected them to use my injury as an excuse to not pay me in my final year of work.

just to update,
that day they came with a lawyer, they came to tell me to delete this thread. i refused. i havent done anything wrong by saying what i have here, its not illegal and there is a reason as to why reviews are made. i was a law grad myself and the argument they put foward was ridiculous. they had no merit and just told me to delete. after refusing they told me to write a handwritten apology, again, i refused. then they asked me to reply on here, outlining that this is just my opinion and it may affect the business of the school. rightly so, of course it is from my perspective and of course a review will influence their future business. however nothing here told is or was a lie and they themselves acknowledged that. the truth is the truth and people should be aware.

its just sad to see that instead of trying to change their ways or try and learn from this review, they came with a lawyer to intimidate me to shut up. im aware of my legal rights even though it is china and i have done nothing wrong, so their threats at the time were worthless. i demanded that they take down my picture from their schools website and only then would i consider amending this review, they have taken down the picture now but i will not change anything or apologise for something that is not wrong. them continuing to use my photos for advertisement almost 6 months after i have left and after my asking them to remove it several times was wrong, and chinese law is quite clear in this matter.

they used a bully technique against me citing the law but i showed them how most of what they are doing is illegal in their own realm

its quite disgusting to see a school use gangster techniques on an ex staff member who just reviewed them. not everything in the review was bad, the school looks good and has qualified chinese staff but is incapable of providing the english learning environment they advertise and that is because of their attitude which is now more apparent than before.

again, they didnt think to change an aspect, but instead came to tell me to shut up, and we all know what they say, only the truth hurts.

i have also told them to give me a detailed explanation of why they did not give me any of my bonuses, as an oral agreement was reached that i would receive my 2 years bonuis in chinese new year 2015 but was never honoured. and my final year, as these events took place during my contract i am still entitled to them.

using any abscenses or my injury as an excuse is not viable as money was already deducted for example if i took a day off, and when i was injured. they have not replied to this yet. if they do i will let people here know, it may be an indication that they are changing but not definite, i still have a friend working there who cant make review as of yet, he is still contracted for another year or so, and i guess he will tell me what the school was like, and he himself may make a review at the end of his time.

im lucky that because ive been in the same city for a while i also have a quite a few chinese friends, a couple of whom put me in touch with some lawyers and told me this information. they also told me to ignore the school from now on and any threats they may make.

i hope this experience can help others who may be screwed over by their employees and make you aware of your rights in china, when we are often confused as to what they might be, or if we even have any.

chinese law is extremely clear when it states that your image cannot be used without your consent. and if you have certain elements on your contract like bonuses, that they refuse to pay you, you can ask for a full explanation of why, often you will find they dont tell you things that they should have, up until a very late point where they will just come out with random excuses.

that school has proven itself to be an absolute class act of a sham, now behaving like gangsters rather than educators. focusing on image and image alone rather than quality in english education.

hope the issue is now closed and that they may learn to change, and move on, and also let me move on. im real happy at my new job where most people speak english, 3 foreign teachers, and we have the correct learning materials and resources, and a real team thats dedicated to teaching our students.

Messages In This Thread
XYX Kindergarten 男孩女孩国际幼儿园 Yinchuan Ningxia China -- screwsloose -- 2015-12-05
Re XYX Kindergarten 男孩女孩国际幼儿园 Yinchuan Ningxia China -- jc -- 2016-01-29
Re XYX Kindergarten 男孩女孩国际幼儿园 Yinchuan Ningxia China -- screwsloose -- 2016-01-30
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