They ask for your bank acct info before you do your training or practicum or start working. I found this odd, however I want to make extra money that doesn't cost me child care so I'm giving it a try and doing my practicum soon. I think it would be normal to feel this is a scam if they need bank acct info before they officially hire you, which they do way before you do your practicum, which it's sounding like they still reject people after that. I don't blame them for being upset. By that time they have your passport/driver license, social security number and bank acct number yet they say you aren't hired. It's a bit backwards. That being said I have a separate bank acct for this not my primary so I guess that just leaves identity theft as a risk. Oh well.
- Re VipKids in China -- Chris -- 2016-01-23
- Re VipKids in China -- Byra -- 2016-02-15
- Re VipKids in China -- Byra -- 2016-02-15