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Paul - 2016-03-02

I just finished my contract and I would say most of what is on the Internet is true

My first few weeks in the job, I didn't know what the hell I was doing and i felt pretty foolish

Then I just realized i am just there to make up something and just talk like a presenter, after that it was easy

it was a real easy job , sometimes i kind of felt some students were anti-social and sucking the life out of me but i had the chance to meet some cool people

The local staff were idiots and made the job stressful sometimes for no reason at all. Its best not to talk to them at all! They all gossip and backstab unless you stuck their ass or nail them, they just care about following the same shit system like it is the bible, if you want to change something.... well don't even try

The year is up, its great not to be working to 9pm and teaching the same classes every week, but i do miss all those wonderful people i got to met.

I had a good time but couldn't do more than a year

My salary was 13000 for 25 classes i think everyone gets a different amount there is no standard contract and some of the foreigners you work with will be arrogant or douche bags. (the ones who have been there for years)

if you work there you can do any thing apart from be absent or late and ask for more money. The money the students pay and the hours you work salaries really need to go up, you get your own desk and office hours are not enforced

oh and there really are all those stupid classes that have been mentioned, the teaching material is well it must have been written by a Chinese person who really hated the company i guess bosses can't read English so don't know. It is really that bad

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Meten English -- Paul -- 2016-03-02
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