View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China
john - 2007-06-10

Dear Sir/Madam,


This letter is purge due to some queries and complaints by the group of Filipino Teachers recruited and accepted by Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Peoples Republic of China headed by Kiki Baining and Maggie Wang as Directors

This matter comes to the knowledge of the undersigned an NGO who wants to help, freed and uphold the integrity of these Filipino Teachers.And to let them be treated squarely, fairly and humanely wherever they are. And to free them from the unfair labor practice by the abovementioned company.

The following complaints should be dealt seriously so that they will be given due attentions, credits and benefits otherwise suspend or prevent this company and sanctions in recruiting teachers illegaly from the Philippines and elsewhere.

Here are the queries and complaints sent to the undersigned;

1. Why the company hold the passport of these teachers wherein the said documents should be in the possession of the ownerwhich is deemed necessary hence problems arises about their identity in a foreign land. (Please inquire to the legality of this matter ) Do they have the right?

2.That the contract they signed is arbitrary and void because it favored only Party A (the Company) The contract with malicious intent abuse the rights of Party B (the Teachers) Party B is the aggrieved and the most abused party in the contract which make the said intrument without effect. WHY?

2.a. It is no work no pay policy but Party B cannot work outside the company for extra income how about Winter vacation, Summer vacation, where these people can possibly get means for their subsistence and daily needs. Their salary is not enough. They dont give these Teachers enough loads most of them are underloads and get paid for the hours they worked not as what stated on Art. III.1.b of the contract. This is indeed inhuman.

2.b These Teachers are being paid only 2500RMB where in fact and accordingly the Chinese Govt subsidize and pay more than that or at leat 5000RMB whether full load or not ( let us inquire on these for transparency Pls.) Lets find the truth on this matter. Because Native Speakers here are being paid to the least of 4500RMB so whats the difference between Native Speakers and Filipino Teachers, modesty aside Filipino Teachers are better if not the best than these Native Speakers the company can proved that. They have at least 45 Filipino English Teachers and at least 15 Native Speakers Why? Because school always reject and terminate Native Speakers but they have high regards and believe with Filipino Teachers who are graduated, certificated and left their good position looking for a greener pasture here in China but it turned out not in this company. The Filipino Teachers are the milking cows of this company Shame on them.

3. The contract states that Party A will provide FREE Apartment and conducive place to live in, Yes its FREE but;

3.a. Teachers have to pay water bill, Electricity, Internet, Phone(Where is it?) and others and it will be deducted 10RMB a day (take note: a day) Absurd isnt it its FREE

3.b. Teachers are sharing three persons per bed, ten in one room both males and females (conducive isnt)

4. he contract states that Party A will find good working conditions for Party B but;

4.a. some of them are not yet employed untill this time. They dont have yet the school. Jesus, where they can get means for everyday expenses. no work no pay HOW?

4.b. they send teachers from one school to another. They make frequent reshuffle from one school to another. Teachers get confused. They dont have their permanent school it is like a chess game at the expense/fare of the teachers.

4.c.some of them were given underloads in different schools again in their own expense and yet when payday caomes they deduct all the deductions and nothing to be left with the Teachers. God, these teachers are human being who needs to survive but Party A wont mind abd never be concerned. ( How cruel!!!)

4.d. the contracts states (Art.III.1.b) if Party A has not arranged the full teaching hours to pay Party B. Party B will keep the above salary (Art.III.1.a) 2500RMB. They didnt abide this. Is it not a breach of contract? Teachers are paid only according to hours they worked because they did not give them load. Whose responsibility it is do you think?

These are the few premises they are complaining and many more if we could help each other to inquire and see personally i the power of our diplomatic relations with China,

Lastly, the contract the Filipino Teachers signed has so many unconstitutional leeways and waterloo but it makes some Filipino Teachers afraid to come out and to be heard they want courage and strenght from our help and offices. The Teachers were force to signed because their stay will lapsed and to secured did it eventhough it is against their will. they signed to secured as promised by the company. Later to find that they are trapped as prey of this vulture company. Some of them escape already without their passport because the company will not give them unless they will pay their unknown and scrapulous debt they borrowed(?) to the company because of breach of contract, working visa processing etc. and they will cancel their working visa without further adieu.

Now, in the premise mentioned who breached the contract, who is who, which is which.

So, in this instance, we are calling all the attentions of the people concerned to act for the benefits of these people.

We are calling the attention of Madam Sonia Cataumber Brady to intervene on this matter.
The Philippine Consulate in Beijing to come to Changchun and investigat the truth about these abuses by the abovementioned company. You should come to see for yourself the stark reality and the conditioned of our fellow Filipino brothers and sisters in Changchun City, Jilin Province.

It does not matter whether they come in China illegally or legally. It is not the question as of the moment. The facts here is that they come to China to work diligently and honorably and they should be treated as one. They come here to work and to earn money to be sent to their family. You can read between the lines their purpose and they should be treated as human in that foreign land as set by treaties and diplomatic agreement of the countries involved.

We are appealing to President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to intervene with this matter.We believe in your endearment to the Filipino Overseas Workers especially in China.

This is really a serious problem. If we cannot help them now, it will become worst and who else could help Filipino except Filipinos and other concerned nationalities the Republic of the Philippines, Peoples Republic of China, United Nations, and International Labor Organization.





Messages In This Thread
Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China -- john -- 2007-06-10
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Luke -- 2010-09-09
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Lynn -- 2009-01-20
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Adil aman -- 2009-01-28
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- kiki_maggie=hell -- 2008-03-04
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- daniel -- 2008-07-07
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- kaye2600 -- 2008-08-10
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Choatle -- 2008-07-07
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Choatle -- 2008-03-05
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Native teacher -- 2008-03-14
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch - ESL school review -- Extefler -- 2007-06-10
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch - ESL school review -- GrateGatsby -- 2007-06-24
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- HarlequinGoddess -- 2008-07-20
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Sponge Bob -- 2008-12-16
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Not surprised anymore -- 2008-12-17
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