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Anonymous Again - 2007-08-12

Jeju is great. Park's is awful. Everyone who works there or who has worked there hates the school and the man who runs it. All kinds of wonderful, patient and otherwise positive people have been driven to anger and bitterness by this place!!!

If you go, you will be miserable. That's all there is to it.

Also, I should add that I left in June, it's now August, and I still haven't been paid for my last three weeks of work. My new employers, as well as my recruiting agency, both of whom are staffed with Koreans, have since spoken to the man on several occasions-- so when considering employment with this man, keep in mind that in an extremely homogenous culture, where Koreans almost always side with Koreans and foreigners usually side with foreigners, I have Koreans telling me plain and simple that he is, by their standards, completely fucked up!!

Usually I would just let something like this go because it's usually not worth going on about, but
my experience was so miserable that it's virtually impossible to exhaust the anger and frustration it has caused me, and will probably cause you too if you go, and I really feel a need to spare as many people the experience as is possible!!!


Messages In This Thread
Park's English School on Jeju Island - ESL school review -- Anonymous -- 2007-06-21
Re: Park's English School on Jeju Island - ESL school review -- Anonymous -- 2007-06-25
Re: Park's English School on Jeju Island - ESL school review -- Anonymous -- 2007-07-09
Re: Park's English School on Jeju Island - ESL school review -- anonymous -- 2007-07-10
Re: Park's English School on Jeju Island - ESL school review -- Anonymous Again -- 2007-08-12
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