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Mandy - 2008-01-09
In response to Re: he lied? Oh, really? (hobart)

hi,, looked all of this chat note,, he is name brian, he even not put his really name on it,, he wants me to make a fake degree for him, because i dont want to do it, and he says something like this.

Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:32:22): any luck?
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:32:33): no
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:33:03): no to what, no you can't get a simnple degree copy made or no you cant find a job in wuhan that accepts someone with a degree
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:33:42): I don't know what you do for a living, but I am sure you are not a recruiter for schools, I don't see how you place anyone to be honest with the snails pace you work at
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:33:55): i can get a simnple degree copy
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:34:06): then whats the problem
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:34:24): so far, i call all school i have in Wuhan city, and they told me, they can accept a teacher without degree
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:34:47): can or can't, I think you forgot a T
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:35:04): and if you can get a simple degree copy who cares if they can't?
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:35:39): I thinik it's too late though, you can't be trusted, you know how many job offers you have given me, only to tel me the school will not accept me, your like the boy who cried wolf
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:36:04): I mean really, word about you is all over the net, everyone knows who Mandy is, and to avoid her
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:37:10): Now, you can either be a big baby and sit there and not respond, which is your usual MO, or you can explain why you have had no luck.
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:38:12): Also tell me why I should trust you, because really, you don't follow through, have you read what others have said about you, would u like links to other FT's who have complained about you, there are many.
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:40:18): not i dont want respond
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:40:28): i am chatting with three people
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:44:36): Evem chatting with 3 people you should have been able to respond by now.
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:50:11): yes
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:50:38): i have to read your message and see whats the question
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:51:06): i am sorry, it was Cant
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:51:24): then why am I out of luck if you can get a adegree copy?
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:51:27): ok, if you think i cant be trusted
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:52:06): I think you are too slow to be trusted, where is the work, where is the degree copy, find me a school and have them hire me. Have you done anything that should make me trust you enough to pass on this other job?
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:52:12): i dont understand, why u put everything on me
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:52:20): if you have a degree, they will offer the jobs
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:52:25): because its your job doll
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:52:25): cause you dont have
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:52:32): do u understand
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:52:41): and how can i trusted u
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:52:45): ok, I really dont care, you don't want to make money thats your business
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:52:58): if anything worng, you would not tell on me
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:53:05): Lady you have promised me a dozen jobs over the past year, with none accepting me
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:53:12): I think that makes you incompetant
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:53:26): i have not read anything, about other say to me
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:53:33): You place 75 teachers a year, I don't believe that, maybe 25, and then you live off your husband
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:53:43): if u did, please let me where you read it
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:53:46): A rich husband I am sure
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:54:03): Nah, I will not let you know, your all over the net, but only in places expats know to look
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:54:09): i can get one
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:54:15): but i dont have at this moment
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:54:15): YOur even on sites you post ads on, but your not smart enough to know where to look on that site
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:54:21): how can i send to school
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:54:32): also,, i need changed your resume
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:54:43): well you should havge, sorry but we were talking about this a week and a half agom, why so slow?
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:54:48): cause, on your resume did not says you have a degree
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:55:04): Uh huh, that takes five minutes, the other takes a phone call
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:55:09): not everything can be done in a sec.
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:55:31): yes but it can be done in 2 weeks, thats hardly a second, so dont exaggerate
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:55:45): others have said the same, that you are slow, and promise positions that never actually happen
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:55:59): how do you stay in business, what do you really do for a living, it can't be this
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:58:08): slow is not the matter
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 9:58:20): sorry but your slow
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:58:23): u need make sure, everthing done will right
Mandy (2008-1-4 9:59:22): have u done anything, for me to trust u
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:00:20): Sorry but word is out about you. Noticed how your not getting so much work anymore? Thats why
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:00:43): how am i stay in business, i know,
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:00:48): you too push
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:01:01): ha ha ha ha ha, your too slow, I dont too push, and you know it
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:01:02): u like make a order
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:01:17): blah blah while you whine and complain about how its me your not doing your job
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:01:18): and i dont like the way you talk with me
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:01:23): now,its like this
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:01:24): always excusesw with you mandy
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:01:28): i need make your a degree
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:01:43): and this is kind of thing, i try to help u
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:01:47): not you help me
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:01:55): dont u understand this
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:01:59): Mandy, you had a chance to go into business with me a long time ago, and solve all your problems, but again, your too cautious and scared
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:00): and you make order to me
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:07): i dont like take order
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:08): ok
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:17): if you think, other agency can get a job for u
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:20): go to them
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:02:21): What do you care what I make as long as you get paid?
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:25): doesnt matter to me
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:35): i dont care about it
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:02:40): Thats your problem, you take your job personally
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:02:49): i dont care, about someone let me cheat on school
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:02:55): And this other agency, not only did they get me another jobh, but I start on Monday
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:03:02): and something i really dont feel is right thing to do
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:03:24): u say to me, you are not push
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:03:27): Let you cheat on schoo, Mandy, the whole ESL industry is one big cheat, and you want to pretend to have morales? LOL< no wonder your not doing well business wise, wake up
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:03:32): yesterday, u told me to make a degree
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:03:41): and i need to be done early of morning today
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:03:55): this is call push
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:04:00): and i dont have to do that
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:04:05): cause you are not my boss
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:04:47): i want we be friend not always business
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:04:54): Whatever, I asked I did not tell, your just to sensitive and maybe should find another job if you can't take demanding people. They are demanding because of how slow you move by the way, and how poorly you do your job.
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:04:55): friend helps friend
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:05:01): if its a business
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:05:07): i would not do the degree
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:05:26): cause i trust my friend
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:05:38): Then don't do it, do stay pure and don't ever cheat, LOL
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:05:38): not someone i just want to do the business
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:05:53): whatever Mandy, were done, your little tantrum is enough for me
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:07:43): dont u know, to make a fake degree, this is call breach law
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:07:48): You really don't know how things work here do you, and your Chinese, thats apalling. The Chinese wya of business is to lie and cheat. That is Chinese
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:08:03): i have to be watch out
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:08:12): whatever, I have to go, I have things to do, you have nothing to do, because your going out of business
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:08:22): this is part i dont understand
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:08:26): u have a job offer
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:08:32): why, u still want other one
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:08:49): why I still want other one? LOL because the pay is great
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:09:39): so.. all time
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:09:43): you talked with me
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:09:50): just try to make me up set
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:09:54): And because I am a great teacher and lack of a degree should not stop me from doing a better job then most
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:10:06): this is really good, i did not make a fake degree to u
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:10:17): cause,, you just like play a game
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:10:18): with me
Kenjutsu Kensei (2008-1-4 10:10:32): Yawn, mandy I have to go, no one is trying to make you upset, just give you a chance too make easy money and so I can satay in Wuhan. But you are "too" good to do it, thats fine, just say that. Good bye.
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:10:34): ok,, Brian, if you like play game, dont paly on me
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:10:37): thats yet
Mandy (2008-1-4 10:10:43): i am done with u

Messages In This Thread
Avoid Mandy AKA esl_sunny -- ChocolateBLock -- 2007-12-07
Re: Avoid Mandy -- hobart -- 2007-12-07
Hello~~ -- Mandy -- 2008-01-13
Re: Hello~~ -- Hubub -- 2008-01-14
Re: Hello~~ -- Mandy -- 2008-01-15
he lied, -- Mandy -- 2008-01-08
Re: he lied? Oh, really? -- hobart -- 2008-01-08
looked chat note -- Mandy -- 2008-01-09
Re: looked chat note -- Chaffed -- 2008-01-09
Re: looked chat note -- Mandy -- 2008-01-12
Re: looked chat note -- superroo -- 2008-01-09
you are the biggest liar, i have never see in my all life -- Mandy -- 2008-01-09
Re: you are the biggest liar, i have never see in my all life -- Hubub -- 2008-01-09
Re: you are the biggest liar, i have never see in my all life -- Choatle -- 2008-01-09
Re: you are the biggest liar, i have never see in my all life -- mandy -- 2008-01-10
Mandy = crash course in dealing with China ESL recruiters -- bodoin -- 2008-01-09
looked at this -- Mandy -- 2008-01-10
Re: looked at this -- Choatle -- 2008-01-10
Re: looked at this -- Mandy -- 2008-01-11
Re: looked at this -- eng.teacher -- 2008-01-10
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