Return to Index › Alert: TutorABC, BiteABC, iTutor Info Please
#1 Parent kiwi0113 - 2017-01-27
Re Alert: TutorABC, BiteABC, iTutor Info Please

So is iTutor a scam? I applied for a position with them a couple days ago and got a 5 minute video call interview. The guy sent me an email asking for personal information to get started. I'm skeptical because it seemed a little too easy to become an English teacher and not have any experience at all...

TickTockTick - 2017-01-26
Alert: TutorABC, BiteABC, iTutor Info Please

I've seen 'scam warnings' for all three of these but so far nobody can confirm if they are a connected group?

Apparently, someone claiming to be from BiteABC is trolling around the boards refusing to answer questions but I haven't seen any confirmation yet.

If they are connected then we should warn people so they don't fall for the trick of 'switching companies' only to find out they are really at the same company with a different name.

If they are NOT connected then, to be fair, we should be careful not to wrongly associate a better company with a worse one.

I guess the best advice is, for the time being, be alert and on your guard against TutorABC, BiteABC and iTutor as possible scams.

Anyone have any additional info?

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