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Texas ISD School Guide

Short Stories for Teachers

Overcoming Fear - Facing it Head-On
By:Larry Icabandi Nabiong

Fear is irrational feeling of cowardice towards the unknown. Yes, almost always you faced challenges in life and you would tend to feel weak, daunted, and the like. In fact, this cowering- in- fear attitude has got its root from childhood. You might have been a victim of adult's teasing you to be left out in the dark or in a closed room, or the like. From this sad experience you could have developed this irrational fear--or phobia. What then are the best ways to overcoming fear, and regaining your fearless self?

1. Exposing yourself to the very cause of your fear is one best way. If you are afraid of the dark, stay in the dark and while there, absorb the experience... meaning let yourself be hooked by the creepiness of the dark. Once you were used to it, and found that your fear is nothing but just caused by ignorance to the fact that there is nothing in the dark-- but the absence of light --and gradually you would appreciate it as a harmless thing.

2. Others are afraid of slimy animals like snake, lizards and the like. With their unfounded fear of these creatures brought about by their first experience with these animals, they can unlearn and relearn. Children exposed to snakes and the like as their pets at home have no fear in touching or playing with these animals. You must face your fear--experience these animals once more-- this time, with utmost appreciation and all to correct your first bad encounter with them.

3.Afraid of heights is also one problem among people. One explanation about this is the fear of falling down the building, precipice and the like once you are in the edge-- as if, of all people-- gravity is attracting you to its bosom. Better unlearn the previous knowledge of this fear and start appreciating the heights by joining sky-diving, bungee jumping, and mountain or rock climbing, etc.

4. Fears, of varied kinds and levels, experienced by people gained from past encounters should be rectified through the proper way of re-immersion, re-exposure, and the like. Someone as adult guide or an expert must be present while doing this relearning experience!

Only then could you regain yourself as a fearless person and enjoy living sans irrational fear which hinders you to appreciate the beauty of nature!

The author is a mentor of teachers in elementary grades in the Philippines. Aside from being a grade school teacher, he is also contributing articles to magazines just to make good use of his spare time. He has joined writing contest in the past, but until now, he is dreaming of bagging an award! This is why, he is now trying his luck in this endeavor--blogging-- to find his niche and somewhere, somehow find a way of publishing a book.

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