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Chocolates From Around the World
By:Chris Alleny

Chocolates from around the world vary in taste, flavor, and potency depending on their country of origin. Below are the top chocolates in the world, by country.

Mexican chocolate

Mexico is the birth place of chocolate, from the chocolate drink "chocolatl," a luxurious drink which was available as early as 400 AD. The drink was made from liquefied cocoa beans, spiked with chili pepper, vanilla, and annatto. Today, chocolate is a staple and highly valued commodity for Mexicans, and is most often made to a hot chocolate drink. In fact, hot chocolate is considered the national drink of Mexico and almost everyone in the county drink it every day, flavored with some pepper and spices.

Spanish chocolate

Chocolate was introduced in Spain during the 16th century by Hernán Cortés Pizarro, who discovered it from the Emperor of Mexico while having breakfast with him. For almost a centrury, the Spanish kept "chocolatl" a secret from the rest of Europe and only the royal family and the well-connected had access to this richly delicious drink. To increase its deliciousness, the Spanish added cane sugar to it. Today, Spaniards prefer their chocolate as a hot drink that is thick and creamy, flavored with cinnamon, and served together with churros. Popular Spanish chocolate products include Chocovic and Choclates Valor.

English chocolate

The first ever chocolate house was opened in London during the 17th century. Hans Sloane, a physician, concocted a milk chocolate drink, which soon became popular to those who could afford it (During that time, chocolate was expensive and only the rich could afford to buy). Today, there are many English chocolate widely recognized by consumers all over the world, including Cadbury, Green & Black's, Divine Chocolate, and J.S. Fry & Sons, Ltd.

U.S. chocolate

The U.S. is one of the biggest chocolate producers and distributors in the world. Chocolate production in the U.S. boomed during the Industrial era with the first chocolate factory opening in 1765. Chocolate was also used by the U.S. Military as an emergency ration and was made part of the diet of U.S. astronauts. Hershey's is one of the most widely known U.S. Chocolate.

French chocolate

Chocolate did not get a warm welcome in the French market when it was first introduced during the sixteenth century. The French referred to it as a "noxious drug" and a "barbarous product." But it was the wife of King Louis XIV, Maria Theresa of Austria who shared her love of chocolate to the French people. Today, some of the top quality chocolates in the world are produced and manufactured in France such as Chocolat Bonnat, Valrhona, La Maison du Chocolat, and Jean-Paul Hevin.

Swiss chocolate

Swiss chocolate is one of the main products of Switzerland and is internationally recognized for its high standards and excellent quality ingredients, particularly cocoa butter. Chocolate is a way of life in this country, with its people setting a world record of approximately consuming one bar for every person of everyday of the year.

Belgian chocolate

Belgian chocolate is the gourmet standard of chocolate and is considered by many to be the best type of chocolate in the world, especially their dark chocolate. There are more than 2,000 chocolate shops in Belgium that offer handmade chocolates, and there are also a number of chocolate museums.

Chris enjoys writing about all kinds of food but especially chocolates. For more information on the most delectable Belgian chocolates and other types of delicious chocolates visit www.ultimatechocolateshoppe.com

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