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Short Stories for Teachers

How to Eat a Bar of Chocolate
By:Elea Almazora

THIS is how you should eat a bar of chocolate:

Step One – Obviously, you unwrap your bar of chocolate. BUT! Don't do it too quickly, nor too slowly. Unwrapping your bar of chocolate too quickly might damage the outer texture of the bar (it may not seem to matter, but a perfect bar of chocolate honestly does make a difference). Unwrapping it too slowly will melt the chocolate, thus diminishing the enjoyment of biting into the bar.

Step Two – You can do this two ways: you can either snap your chocolate bar into smaller pieces OR you can bite it. When you snap your bar of chocolate, make sure every piece you break off is small enough to fit your mouth; break off a mouthful of chocolate at a time, because if you break up the chocolate all at once, it will melt too fast. When you bit into your chocolate, on the other hand, make sure that you don't chomp on it with your teeth; rest the bar of chocolate lightly between your upper and lower incisors and lever the bar downwards. The chocolate makes the most exquisite sounds that way.

Step Three – While it isn't completely wrong to chew your chocolate, the best way to taste a bar of chocolate is to allow it to rest on your tongue where it can melt. The effect is best if you sit in a cool, quiet spot where no one can disturb you, where the chocolate is least likely to melt, and where you can close your eyes. Remember to inhale and exhale through your nose, and to really taste the chocolate in your mouth. Concentrate on the feeling of melting chocolate, and note that the flavor and the scent becomes more pronounced as the texture changes.

Step Four – When you swallow your mouthful of chocolate, don't do it in one go. Rub your tongue against the roof of your mouth and swallow the almost-liquid chocolate slowly, little by little. This way you will not be so immediately deprived of the flavor of chocolate before the next bite (or the next bar). If the bar is not just made out of chocolate (if it has nuts, nougat, caramel and the like), make sure to chew them slowly AFTER you've finished swallowing the chocolate.

Step Five – Repeat from step two until you run out of chocolate.

Of course, EVERYONE has they own way of eating a bar of chocolate. But this is probably the best way.

Elea Almazora currently works as a contributor to many information-based websites, writing about many subjects ranging from culture to sciences.

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