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certificate programs
By/Re:sk <sales@eastwindnutbutters.com>
1 January 2013

I am researching teacher training programs for teaching English overseas. There seem to be huge variety -- with different acronyms, TEFL TESOL etc. I suppose I wonder which might be the best investment for me, if people have thoughts.

I do not have an extensive background in teaching, but do have a of lifetime of interest in foreign cultures and foreign language study. I studied Spanish in childhood, and all through high school and college. I also studied French in college, and studied Hebrew on my own with books and tapes. I worked for several years at public schools in downtown Phoenix, as a teacher's aide and an office worker. Most of the students and families were Spanish speaking. I did a 6-month volunteer term in the Dominican Republic, teaching Haitian children. I also did various kinds of volunteer work near my home for about 10 years, including: tutoring adults in GED and ESL programs, and teaching art to children. My work background has mostly been administrative work in school and nonprofit settings. I might want to go back to school for a masters in teaching ESL, but definitely not until I had some experience. My hope right now is to find a program that is not too costly that would provide a respected credential and enough quality instruction to get started as an effective ESL teacher - for adults or young adults. Jobs seem to be more available in Asia. I would be happy to go there, or to a Spanish speaking country.

Any thoughts folks might have would be much appreciated.

Messages In This Thread

certificate programs -- sk 1 January 2013
Re: certificate programs -- Ian 5 January 2013
Re: certificate programs -- ICAL TEFL 2 January 2013

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