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Advert: “Drama in Paris”, Aug 29-Sep 2: innovative educational theatre training in teaching Engl
By/Re:TESOL Drama in Paris
26 June 2012

“Drama in Paris” is a new workshop, which is run by TESOL Drama. We offer innovative educational theatre training in teaching English and communication through the creative and ancient art of drama. The workshop is useful for English, language, TESOL, and theatre teachers as well as performing artists. In addition to Paris, we also have training centers in New York, Rio de Janeiro, London and Los Angeles. The workshop in Paris will take place from August 29th- September 2nd.

TEFL Training Institute (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is an affiliate organization of TESOL Drama. TESOL Drama is currently the only known program to offer dramatic training in combination with TEFL Certification.

The outside of the brochure:

For the inside of the brochure:

If you have any questions, or would like to reserve your spot, please contact tesolparis@googlemail.com

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