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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide


ESL Strategy Training Evaluation Tools
By/Re:Patricia K. Maggio
14 June 2012

Trainers use specific tools when they evaluate teachers seeking a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification. New ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers will be assessed on their understanding of and ability to teach grammar, the range of materials they use and the quality of their lesson planning. A teacher who knows these criteria will not only successfully obtain certification but also understand what knowledge and skills are worth remembering and revising in the TEFL workplace.

Trainers will assess how well ESL teachers understand the mechanics of English. A teacher who is at ease with the complexities of the language will reflect that knowledge in the quality of his lessons. Familiarity with the language will allow the teacher to to answer questions not included in his specific lesson preparation.

Lesson Planning
Detailed lesson planning is a necessary skill for ESL teachers. To develop lessons tailored to individual students' needs, the teacher must be able to construct a detailed framework for the lesson. In addition, most potential employers will ask to see lesson plans as evidence of the teacher's work.

In evaluating ESL teachers' teaching practice, trainers expect teachers to use techniques that help students work out answers, such as elicitation, rather than relying on a dictionary. Teachers must pronounce words slowly and clearly and use vocabulary suited to the students' knowledge of English. The teacher should routinely assess students' understanding throughout the lesson, as well as reviewing the material at the end of class.

As part of any TEFL course, trainers expect teachers to evaluate each others' teaching methods and suggest improvements in a constructive manner. In addition, teachers must be able to critique themselves, recognizing their own errors or possible improvements. TEFL trainers will assess how well teachers receive criticism and how effectively they adapt their teaching style in response to the suggestions they receive.

Teaching Materials
Trainers will evaluate ESL teachers' activities and materials. Teachers should be mindful of how effective course materials are and be able to adapt them to the level of their learners. Again, a teacher might be expected to deviate from the lesson plan to accommodate the needs of students, and trainers will assess candidates on how well they deal with this unique stress.

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