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Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA)
25 May 2011

I think the reply is intelligent. You come across as being a bit of an education snob to me. What are you, the head cheerleader for CELTA or something? I think most people could do CELTA and handle it fairly easily. Some of us on the board have had high pressure jobs before, we handled that sort of stress on a weekly basis.

You are speaking rubbish if you think CELTA "qualifies" someone to be a teacher. You just don't wave a magic wand and become a teacher in one month. Your analysis of this subject is an insult to experienced foreign teachers. I don't have CELTA, don't need or want it either. Would be pretty useless at the university where I teach.

EXPERIENCE is what really counts, and being a good communicator. I'll take my six years of (mostly) university teaching experience over some overrated CELTA anyday! Hope you are not in China, or plan to come here. Too many GW foreign snobs here already.

Messages In This Thread

Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Jack 20 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Apollyon 21 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA vs TESOL) -- Jack 22 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Silverboy 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Jack 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Silverboy 26 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Apollyon 23 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- runnning scared 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Tiger Beer 24 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Apollyon 25 May 2011
Re: Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- BusEireannBiddy 13 January 2013
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA vs TESOL) -- San Mig Beer 22 May 2011

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