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Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree??
By/Re:runnning scared <teflersanonymous@yahoo.com>
25 May 2011
In Response To: Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (Apollyon)

yes - you do 4 weeks and you are qualified. That helps explain why there are so many poor tefl teachers around.
Being a qualified teacher counts for nothing unless it comes with a "graduate" label. Some employers and most government departments of education are not enlightened [to put it politely], so they think a degree in media studies or marine biology means you can teach English - look at the majority of job offers on the net: the first thing they state is "graduate" .. good for status and impressing punters. One of the most popular teachers where I worked recently bought his BA in Thailand but his CELTA was legit.

Messages In This Thread

Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Jack 20 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Apollyon 21 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA vs TESOL) -- Jack 22 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA) -- Silverboy 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Jack 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Silverboy 26 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Apollyon 23 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- runnning scared 25 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Tiger Beer 24 May 2011
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- Apollyon 25 May 2011
Re: Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? -- BusEireannBiddy 13 January 2013
Re English Teaching Jobs but NO Degree?? (CELTA vs TESOL) -- San Mig Beer 22 May 2011

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