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Prospective TESOL Teacher
By/Re:Michael La Morte <mick419@gmail.com>
25 July 2011

Hello everyone,

I am a native American English speaker and I am going into my senior year at New York University and will obtain my BA degree in May 2012. I recently decided I want to get my TESOL certification and teach abroad. My dilemma is this : try to teach in Western Europe where I feel more comfortable and have already spent time (I speak French and Italian and would like ideally to teach in Spain to pick up Spanish) or get a year's experience under my belt in Eastern Europe, giving me better credentials if I decide to teach in Western Europe the following year. I would love to start a conversation with those who are in my position, have had similar experiences, etc. Thanks !

Messages In This Thread

Prospective TESOL Teacher -- Michael La Morte 25 July 2011
Re: Prospective TESOL Teacher -- TEFL World Wiki 26 July 2011

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