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Re Celta/Tesol Help
26 August 2011

Hi Turnoi. A degree IS mandatory in Japan. Unless an FT was really well connected I doubt they would get a job without a degree. It is a lot different to China, and the educational standards are higher.

As for the OP's other question (2), I think that the most important thing about teaching is to like it, and get satifaction from it.

As for Japan, I think there are better places to live and teach. China is still a better place to live than Japan IMO, but ofcourse, that depends on where you live and which job you have. Japan is too expensive, even though the pay is high, and the Japanese are too snobbish and class concious.

I have heard stories of FT's who went three months without speaking to someone outside of their school or university. Places like Japan, Korea, Taiwan, they are very xenophobic and racist countries, and should be avoided IMHO.

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Re Celta/Tesol Help -- Silverboy 26 August 2011

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