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Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course
By/Re:cunning linguist
12 December 2010

Hi Jo. I did the intensive course rather than spread it over six months, and I can tell you the anxiety, even for experienced teachers, is normal because of the scrutiny of lesson plans and teaching practice. This is a good thing because when you have completed your course, and step foot into your classroom, you are on your own and have to call on all your mental reserves and training to do a proper job. It's also down to preparation and confidence linked to the fear of failure that causes anxiety, and this is natural. In many ways, CELTA trainers want to 'toughen you up' for the harsh realities of ESL/EFL work, but also to give you some constructive feedback on your teaching style and preparation. So not only do you have the trainer(s) observing your classes, you will also have to undergo peer assessment from other trainees. Some people can take this observation in their stride but others fret and worry. It may be related to personality, and the motives for doing this particular course.

One primary school teacher on my course was extrememly anxious. She was well qualified as a teacher and had years of classroom experience, but she was having to cope with young adult and adult students of many nationalities - probably for the first time. Even though I encouraged and counselled her, she told me she had made a mistake in signing-on for the course, and dropped out after two weeks. Pity really, as her motivation after completing the course was to apply for a post of special responsibilty in her state school in the UK.

My advice is to stick with it. If your preparation is sound and you focus on what you want to achieve in the classroom (use the ESA method for your planning), and you do your best, your anxiety will ease. But most of all try to enjoy the experience! One young trainee used to put two drops of some liquid under her tongue before going to teach. Can't remember what it was called, but she calmed down and actually did quite well.

Messages In This Thread

Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 10 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- wdb 14 December 2010
Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Garcia Ramon Lopez, Bullfighter 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- wdb 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Rock'n Roll Daddy 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course (Resources, Native_Speakers) -- cunning linguist 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 25 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 26 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 29 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 20 December 2010

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