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Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course
13 December 2010
In Response To: Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course (cunning linguist)

I agree that scrutiny and a bit of stress can sometimes be a good thing if the CELTA trainers really are well qualified and experienced, unlike the crap DOS and TA ( tits and arse ) here in China who know nothing. The primary school teacher you met was out of her depth, I agree, the lack of experience at an adult level made her extemely anxious. I would feel the same way if I had to work with a group of primary teachers when I have only worked at high schools and universities.

I have not done CELTA myself, but it seems the grammar is the bit Jo is most concerned about. If she thinks it is important I guess she must focus on that. In my experience grammar is not so important, basic grammar yes, but not advanced grammar. I wonder what type of grammar is taught in CELTA?

Two months ago I was asked by a professor what I thought of a book of advanced grammar that was being used in his classes of post-graduate English major girls. I told him it was convuluted, overly complicated, a type of grammatical overkill that was really impractical for real world situations.

Strange that a week later a student of his told me she did not like the book, could not understand it, and felt it was not useful.

I think Jo can just focus on learning the grammar for the sake of the course, then forget about it later. I would not give up on the course just because of the grammar. A bit of pressure now may be beneficial down the track.

As you would well know, when we teach ( especially at public schools and public universities in Asia ) we are just expected to know what we are doing, there is usually no training and no support, often no textbooks provided either.

So if the trainers really are good, the course will be very useful for Jo in the future.

I laugh sometimes when FT's arrive at schools and universities and complain there is "no training".

It is not a fast-food chain!

Messages In This Thread

Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 10 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- wdb 14 December 2010
Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Garcia Ramon Lopez, Bullfighter 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- wdb 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Rock'n Roll Daddy 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course (Resources, Native_Speakers) -- cunning linguist 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 25 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 26 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 29 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 20 December 2010

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