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Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course
15 December 2010

Are you one of those rabid GW DOS types that used to post here about two and a half years ago? If so, readers here would be wise to ignore your rant.

Really, you just come across as being a nitpicking pain in the arse. A professor at my university asked me for an opinion about a certain book, and I gave it to him. Why would I want to tell anyone the name of the book? It was a private discussion between myself and a colleague. Unlike you, an anonymous person I do not know, the professor is a friend of mine, and has given me useful advice before.

The gender of the class does matter, all of the professors students ARE GIRLS, there are no boys in his class, that is a FACT. Why should I not make a distinction? Often, girls in various English classes have much better language and grammar skills than boys, it is something you should know if you have teaching experience.

The fact that by coincidence a (very intelligent) Chinese post-graduate student told me she thought the book was awful seems to back up my claim that the book would be difficult to understand for many students. If one of the brighter students can't understand it, how will the others feel? BTW, I know many of the post-graduate English major girls here.

The professor just asked me whether or not I felt the book was the most suitable or not for his students ( who I also know well ) You never ask anyone for their opnion on anything?

If you are a DOS, well, I already know the answer. If I am correct and you really are one, then you will be an arrogant know all he thinks that he has nothing left to learn. I ask other people about their opinion all the time, about China, about teaching, about relationships, all sorts of things.

Sounds like you have not much to do with your time, a bit sad!

Messages In This Thread

Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 10 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- wdb 14 December 2010
Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Garcia Ramon Lopez, Bullfighter 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- wdb 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Rock'n Roll Daddy 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course (Resources, Native_Speakers) -- cunning linguist 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 25 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 26 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 29 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 20 December 2010

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