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Texas ISD School Guide


Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL
16 December 2010
In Response To: Here is the book reference for you...LOL (Garcia Ramon Lopez, Bullfighter)


If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
Scott Adams

Messages In This Thread

Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 10 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- wdb 14 December 2010
Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Garcia Ramon Lopez, Bullfighter 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- wdb 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Rock'n Roll Daddy 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course (Resources, Native_Speakers) -- cunning linguist 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 25 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 26 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 29 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 20 December 2010

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