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Teach in Australia / Visa Program? (Questions About Schools)
By/Re:Rain <bookworm1650@gmail.com>
5 June 2010

I heard from a friend about a program that is through the US Embassy in Australia. According to this person who told me about the program, if you are under 30 years old and have a Bachelors degree and TESOL certification then you qualify for this program where if you teach for two years (I think that's what she said) in Australia you will be qualified to get a Permanent Visa to live in Australia.

They told me to go to the US Embassy in Australia homepage and I would find the information there; however, I can't find anything about it at all. Does anyone know about this program and where I can find more information about it?


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Teach in Australia / Visa Program? (Questions About Schools) -- Rain 5 June 2010

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