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Starting point for teaching english abroad (General, CELTA)
27 June 2010

Hi there, I am hoping to teach english in Peru very shortly, but i have no previous teaching experience or tefl certificate. There is so much confusing information out there that i would appreciate any information to get me started.

I would like to do both voluntary work (including teaching english) and paid english teaching work, preferably with young children but possibly with adults also. I have a university degree.

My main concern is choosing a course that has a relevant accreditation that will be sufficient to help land me paid english teaching work, so i will need a course that is internationally accredited.
The 2 main accreditation bodies that I have heard about are CELTA and trinity. However, having read through this forum i have heard opinions that it is much better to have teaching experience before entering a CELTA course, and also that the 'A' represents 'Adults'.

So, basically, i am a little lost and would like some information on which type of course would be suitable for me. I see that there are 3 day courses that provide 120 hours (both classroom and internet based) and are cheaper, but are they recognised enough internationally that i have a decent chance of finding a tesol job in Peru with it? One of the courses that i am looking at is accredited by ODLQC, which they claim is internationally respected. Is this so?

Lots of questions i know, but i want to make the correect decision to choose a course that will give me a good opportunity to find paid work abroad, without being over my head.

Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

Messages In This Thread

Starting point for teaching english abroad (General, CELTA) -- Adam 27 June 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad (CELTA, Native_Speakers) -- MrEnglish 30 June 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad (Resources) -- Accman 28 June 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad -- Ian 2 July 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad -- Accman 3 July 2010
Please..... -- LOL 3 July 2010

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