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Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad (CELTA, Native_Speakers)
By/Re:MrEnglish <mrenglish101@gmail.com>
30 June 2010

I understand exactly what you are saying. When I began the "Teaching English Abroad adventure" nearly two years ago, I was also confused. Here are my thoughts from experience so far.

1 - I just completed the CELTA certification in Sao Paulo. This is an accreditation from Cambridge University in England. There are strict standards for schools that offer the credential. It is a globally-recognized credential and you will learn how to teach the language. You also get supervised teaching experience which you do not usually get with online TEFL programs. You will even notice some job ads immediately discount anyone who has an online TEFL certificate because there is no observed teaching component.

2- In Latin America, frankly, if you are a college-educated native speaker who knows grammar and seem convincing as an educator, you can snag a teaching gig with little effort. You will make more money with private classes, but speaking Spanish (or Portuguese in Brazil) will be essential to find students. You will make enough money to survive, but not much more unfortunately. So bring as much from your own country as possible.

3- If you are looking to Asia, the Middle East or Europe, a CELTA certification is essential. You will notice they require a CELTA or equivalent credential to be considered.

4- Thus, if you are serious about teaching English abroad and outside the Americas, get certified, get experience, and develop your own teaching philosophy and style that you can offer potential employers.

Messages In This Thread

Starting point for teaching english abroad (General, CELTA) -- Adam 27 June 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad (CELTA, Native_Speakers) -- MrEnglish 30 June 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad (Resources) -- Accman 28 June 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad -- Ian 2 July 2010
Re: Starting point for teaching english abroad -- Accman 3 July 2010
Please..... -- LOL 3 July 2010

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