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Re choose 4 months TESOL package to start your journey in China
By/Re:Orb Gahm <orbgahm@gmail.com>
1 January 2011

Hello, my name is Orb Gahm and I have interest in learning more about your program! This sounds like it is exactly what I would need to get started in China. I have found out that it is harder without the certificate to get a English teaching job.

Please let me know more about this program. I am planning on being in China pretty soon for a job, but may take your option instead.

Thanks for your reply.


Orb Gahm

Messages In This Thread

choose 4 months TESOL package to start your journey in China (School News/Adverts, Native_Speakers) -- Bridge for Education & International Travel 22 December 2010
Re choose 4 months TESOL package to start your journey in China -- Orb Gahm 1 January 2011

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